We’ve been working with Silvana on and off for a few years, but only on general things like vocal technique or covers. Since the summer of 2018, however, we’ve decided to take her on as a development artist. And thus we broke our own record: Silvana got a record deal on her FIRST demo with us, within just a couple of weeks from starting!

Before our shock at such a quick success could wear off, we got another deal on our second demo with Silvi! And here we were quietly developing her as we normally do, not even considering that lightning might strike twice…

And speaking of lightning striking twice… how’s THREE times? In a row! That’s right, Silvi’s third demo scored her a third deal. All these releases are scheduled starting early 2019. Things are definitely looking very promising for Silvana.

Silvi is a very shy girl, even to the point of slightly insecure. But these latest developments and interest in her are, we think, having a very positive effect on her morale and belief in herself.

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