Sean has auditioned for us in January 2015 and has been our development artist since February 2015. His unique voice and fab guitar playing made him our first artist to get signed to a management deal within merely 2 months of starting his development!

Sean is quite set in his musical tastes. Although he loves listening to all kinds of music, he’s most comfortable singing blues and folk/rock. We’ve experimented with various production directions for him, though, and as a result, a hybrid folk/EDM/rock song – “One More Drop” – landed him a deal with ToCo International!
Sean, now going on 24, is no longer at school, but he never ceases to educate himself (mostly online) with his interests ranging from the esoteric to the political. Apart from music, he loves telling jokes, building and rebuilding guitars and tinkering with electronics. Visit his personal site HERE

Sean is quirky and unusual, deep and thoughtful. Just don’t get him started on jokes! He has a veritable arsenal of those and will keep telling them till you drop! 🙂
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News Flash – Finally, Sean Russel Gets His First Release!
Sean’s first record deal!
News Flash! Sean Gets a Record Deal!
It took long enough, but now Sean’s new record label is enthusiastic about his prospects!
Sean Russell – Heart of Stone
The latest from Sean, a sneak-preview just to whet your appetite…
Sean Russell – Lately Raging
Still working on this, but this is the latest version.
Sean Russell – What It Is
Work in progress, but here’s where we are now.
Sean Russell – I Need You Now
Trying out a slightly new sound for Sean here.
Sean Russell – Human Nature
Here’s a new one from Sean! We’re still going to do more work on the production, but we’re letting it rest of a little while.
Sean Russell – Cold Hands
And now for something slightly different. Here’s a new folk/alternative piece from Sean Russell.
Sean Russell – Mr Cotton
This is an introspective folk ballad that shows you Sean in a different light.
Sean Russell – Wheels Keep Turning
This one’s not quite finished yet but I think it’s already quite listenable.
Sean Russell – Two Young Magnets
Here’s the kind of music Sean loves to do the most – soft rock blended with folk.
News Flash – Sean Gets Signed!
Our record so far: only 15 days from recording a debut demo to securing a respectable deal!
Sean Russell – Down By The Water
This is the first track I ever did with Sean. What do you think? I think he’s got massive potential.