Music Production Workshops
Music Production Workshops
Location: SRC Campus
Availability: 16:00 to 19:00, weekdays
Session/Class duration: 30 minutes (double sessions recommended!)
Group/Individual: Group and individual courses available
Cost: €25/hr per person in a group, €40/hr for individuals
Minimum course duration: 1 trimester
Minimum weekly booking: One 30-minute session (though minimum 2 are recommended)
Maximum weekly booking: Eight 30-minute sessions (4 hours)
Optional certification programs: Available on 3 levels, After 1 year (3 trimesters) “Adept Music Producer”, after 2 years “Music Production Specialist” and after 3 years “Versatile Music Producer”.
There is hardly a more important function in the entire music business than that of a music producer. When you listen to a song, you may be thinking you’re listening to the work of, say, Taylor Swift or Rihanna – but in reality, you’re actually hearing the skill of their producer. The influence of the producer on what comes out on the market is comparable to that of a movie director, though in many ways it’s even bigger than that.
A music producer doesn’t merely supervise the mix. He – or she – influences “everything”. From how the song is written to how the artist performs it, to what instruments as played and how, to what kinds of transitions and special effects (if any) are used, to how the artists interact with their record labels, managers, publishers, etc.
The degree to which a producer is “hands on” (sitting behind the mixing desk, getting involved with everything) or “ears only” (reading a newspaper in the back of the room, simply approving or rejecting each stage of the process) is a matter of personal style, but it is the producer – often in equal measure or in an even greater measure than the artist – who is responsible for the given artist’s success.
The producer’s role is to deliver the “product” (i.e. the song) to the record label. But merely “delivering the product” isn’t enough. The producer represents an expertise, a thorough knowledge of his target market, to the label. He’s got his ear close to the ground and “knows” what “will sell” and what the label wants.
Young artists who are unable to “produce themselves” are more or less doomed to fail in the music industry – unless they’re lucky to get picked up by a good producer. Sadly, few high quality producers will work on freshly baked artists without record deals. A typical London producer will charge between £3,000 and £10,000 PER TRACK, while producers who are currently “hot” can pretty much charge whatever they like. £100,000 per TRACK is not unusual! Much more than that also happens. THAT’s how important they are.
In our production course, we will not only explain what a producer does – but also go through the many different production techniques and methodologies, helping our protegees become GOOD at this elusive art/craft. At the very least, as a result, our students will be able to produce their own music, or that of their friends. At best, they may become in-demand producers in their own right.
The student will learn how to arrange and produce a song; producion is the most important process in all of music – as important as knowing how to write a commercial song; but while the song is the “heart” of the musical art, production is the “brain!”
El estudiante se aprende como se arregla y produce una cancion; producción es el proceso mas importante en todo el mundo de musica – tan importante como saber como se escribe una cancion comercial; pero mientro la cancion es “el corazon” de arte musical, produccion es “el cerebro!” 😉