We’ve worked with Leila on covers and general vocal development on and off since she was 13. By the time she turned 15, it became clear that we’re looking at a talent here that’s well above average – and we’ve signed her up for a full artist development & production deal.

We haven’t yet introduced Leila to any of our friendly labels around the world, but we have previewed her to some of our industry contacts – and the response was “very promising – wait till she’s 16 and then let’s look at her again!”

Leila’s determination, humor, intelligence and general attitude is, as far as we’re concerned, as good as it gets. She’s a joy to work with, self-motivated, sharp as a tack, and… already sounds like a pro!

We’re now working systematically on developing Leila’s repertoire before we “unveil her to the world” – and we’re most optimistic about how things might go.

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