


We want to create a cutting-edge pop girl-band, 5 or 6 members (possibly with understudies), ages 14 or over.

Due to our unique placement within parts of the UK music industry we’re exposed to A&R requests on a regular basis. One of the recurring themes – something they’re ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR – is a hot new girl band. Our UK (and US!) partners assure us that if we can produce such a group at the required level – we’ll jump right to the top of the line.

Some of our current young solo development acts are already getting VERY promising A&R feedback and opportunities. In view of that, our girl-band project can no longer wait.


In a nutshell, here’s what you will be involved in, if you get accepted:

  • You will be working on professionally-written and produced songs with the highest hit potential.
  • Gradually, you will be recording these songs and later also learning how to perform them on stage.
  • As we progress, we’ll also help shape your image and, together with you, create the whole “package”.
  • You will also, at one point, be invited to write or co-write your own songs, after we teach you how it’s done on a professional level.
  • You will be developed and produced by SIMA along with our extended UK team (later also our US collaborators)
  • It will take about a year to get the project to release-readiness. If we get a deal (and we’ll have multiple chances to fine-tune everything in order to all-but-guarantee one), we’ll move to “stage 2”, where you’ll get a manager, and as good a record deal as possible.
  • You will be able to start a recording and performance career – WITHOUT ENDANGERING YOUR STUDIES.

As things stand TODAY (i.e. some things can change, depending on how our project shapes up), we have a VERY powerful “in” into the Korean and Japanese pop markets, so our initial batch of songs will be specifically targeting those territories and tastes. But we also have many of the most important A&R managers in some of the world’s leading record labels talking to us on a friendly basis, at least once each week. This means that we already now know that IF we can simultaneously develop US/UK-suited material for our group – we’ll have the shortest possible release route available to us!


If you get accepted into this project, we expect that you’ll not only undertake to be the best you can be, but that you’ll also ensure NOT to jeopardize your schoolwork. Initially, this won’t be a problem, but as things start to heat up, you’ll feel some pressure. Nothing too major – but it’ll come.

Other than that, here are some general things we’re looking for:

  • If you’re 15-16 years old, you’re the ideal age. If you’re younger (13 or 14), then this MAY delay the project (due to various “child labor” laws in the US, UK and other countries), you SHOULD be 16 years old at least at the time of release. You’re younger still – have a look at our JUNIOR GIRLBAND project. So if this project takes off within, say, 12 to 18 months, by that time you should be “legal to work”. If you’re that young and THAT talented, it’s probably best if you audition as an understudy.
  • The oldest you can be is somewhere between 18 and 20 (though at that older age you’ll probably be on your way out of SIS, if you’re selected you can still take part, subject to all the other stipulations in this offer).
  • Believe it or not, almost all the current pop superstars CONTINUE their education WHILE ON THE ROAD. They have tutors as well as online support from their schools. SIS also provides this service! This opportunity is for high achievers, i.e. people who KNOW that to achieve more than their peers, they have to be willing to put more effort in.
  • We KNOW you’re not YET a world-class singer/performer. So we’re not looking for already-formed “undiscovered” superstars! That’s what we’re here for: we’ll help you become WORLD CLASS. It’s a process in which YOU are the key. We can’t drag you there kicking and screaming, so you need to be REALLY dedicated and in love with music and the idea of high profile, professional performance.

We will offer this special development program to you at 50%-90% OFF (from the regular SIMA cost – which is already incredibly low by any standard). We’ll do this because we only want your payment as a form of a guarantee of your commitment. The rest of the cost of your development constitutes our investment in you and will be covered by us.

If the project gets to the release-level, you will be offered industry-standard deals and terms, possibly better than most debut artists can get, thanks to our close ties and friendly relationships with the labels in question. You will also have a standard management deal with an excellent management team with a multi-million-selling record.


  • you’re focused, likeable – and have an interesting vocal tone (backed by at least an above-average technical ability)
  • you’re presentable – not necessarily “pretty” in the conventional sense, but full of “character” and at least basic charisma – you can’t be a slob!
  • you’re in the right age bracket, i.e. between (older) 14 and 20. If you’re younger than that, see HERE.
  • you’re a quick study
  • you love to sing AND dance
  • you have a good ear and can sing harmonies without too much difficulty
  • you have your family’s support
  • you’re willing to take on the extra responsibility of being in this group AND continuing with your school and other activities which are important to you – but, apart from school – giving top priority to this project
  • you DON’T want to be “famous” – but you’re doing this for the right reasons: you LOVE music and you want to be the best you can be
  • you are a team player – not a diva
  • you’re a strong individual – not a pushover or a whimp
  • you’re happy even if you’re only selected as an understudy
  • you’re as happy to do background harmonies as you are doing lead parts
  • you’re willing to root for your group-mates and be happy for their successes
  • you’re not the type to use your successes to “rub them into” your team-mates faces
  • you’re intelligent and eager to learn and get better
  • you love working hard on the things you love – so you’ll go the extra mile in learning how to become the best you can be within your girl group, and beyond it
  • you want to be available to your team whenever it’s required – within reason, of course – but you realize that any group is only as strong as its weakest link and so you resolve NOT to be the weakest link!



The SIMA rates for ALL of our services are probably just about the best in the world, for what you’re getting. But our girl group project will have EVEN BETTER terms. We will offer the following:

  • The first 6 months – 2 hours per week = 8 hours per month, plus 8-16 hours production development (in which you will not be required to participate, but will always be invited to, if you so wish)
  • The next 6 months – 4 hours per week = 16 hours per month, plus at least double that in behind-the-scenes production development.
  • The final 6 months – depending on the state of play between us and our UK/US partners, it can be the same as the previous stage, or it can increase considerably.
  • In the second and especially the third part of your development we will gradually also start introducing outside dance coaches, image consultants and other specialists.
  • Your entire development will be guided by our experienced team and you will be connected with top international people and opportunities – something that not one in a million would-be artists can even dream of!

We will offer the above for ONLY €30 per week, throughout the entire development time (billed through SIS at end of each term, as ever)! This represents a 50%, and later 75-90%+ discount on our normal, already-super-low rates! That’s because we are investing in you too! And your payment merely helps us cover our most basic costs and, more importantly, will serve as proof of your commitment.

NOTE: choreographer and image consulting costs will be separate – we’ll spread those evenly among all participants when the time arises. Don’t worry, we’ll keep them as low as possible, for the highest quality of service.

NOTE 2: this offer is ONLY valid for the GIRL GROUP. See our regular rates for all other SIMA project sessions, courses and costs.


By filling out this signup form, you agree to be auditioned by us, and you understand that it is by no means a guarantee that you will be accepted either as part of the main project or as an understudy..NOTE: for this opportunity ONLY girls need apply.


Girl-band auditions
First and Last are required.
Your Name and Surname(s)
Your Grade at SIS is required.
For example M4, M5, D1, D2, etc
Your Age is required.
How old are you?
When were you born?
Your personal phone number
Your Email is required.
Your best contact email
Your Parent Contact is required.
Your Parent’s or Guardian’s Full Name
Your parent’s or guardian’s phone number
Your Parent’s Email is required.
Your parent’s or guardian’s best contact email
Best days/times for your audition is required.
Which days (including weekends) and times are typically best suited for you to audition?


Thank you for signing up for the SIMA Girl-Group audition. You will be contacted by email within the next 24-48 hours.



You’ll find Miss Laura on campus, daily, in the music room. As for Paul, shoot an email to


  • Q: Is release for the group guaranteed?
    • A: No. Nothing ever is. However, we have multiple direct contacts with top label A&R’s and have received a proposal/challenge from a couple of them to serve them up with a hot young group. If we can live up to their expectation – we’re in!
    • A: What IS guaranteed is that the group will receive the highest quality development we’re capable of providing. They will, individually and collectively, be guided to become as good as they can be in the shortest time possible.
  • Q: How difficult is “making it”, really?
    • A: If you have the “right” product – it’s relatively easy. If you don’t, or if the labels (who are otherwise ALWAYS on the lookout for the next big thing) can’t see it – it can be an incredibly frustrating and time-consuming challenge. There are quite literally millions of hopeful artists out there and only one in perhaps a hundred thousand gets considered for release. Even fewer actually get signed. Even fewer actually get released. And fewer still achieve any measure of success. The only other business with a comparable level of difficulty of breaking in is, possibly, the movie business.
  • Q: What is the best case and worst case scenario?
    • A: In the best case, the group gets picked up by a reputable label, they get released and have one or more hits. Everyone makes money, they tour and enjoy the fruits of success, setting themselves up for life.
    • A: In the worst case, which isn’t really that bad either, the product doesn’t find a home and the girls emerge stronger, wiser and more experienced – with their vocal and performance skills greatly fine-tuned, ready to try again – or to continue on a different path.
  • Q: How can the group continue their school education if they’re in the middle of touring?
    • A: Many, if not most, young artists currently in the charts today continue their traditional education even while they’re touring and recording.
    • A: SIS already provides extensive tutoring (offline and online) for their golf students who have to travel frequently. No reason why the same couldn’t be done in this case.
  • Q: What if the student is in the final year(s) of school at SIS and has plans to attend university in the UK?
    • A: Education is key. If you can’t find a way to make both work with this music opportunity, in most cases we would advise a conservative course of action.
  • Q: What about vacations?
    • A: Summer vacation (or good parts of it) is a great time to intensify the work. It would be very much recommended that you make yourself available for rehearsals and recordings through most of that time.
  • Q: What if I have solo ambitions?
    • A: A group is a fantastic launching platform for future solo acts. Just look around and you’ll see what I mean. It’s also a great way to hone your skills without the pressure of a solo act. When the time comes, you’ll be in potentially “ideal” position to try out for a solo career. But for the first 2-3 years, don’t worry about it at all.
  • Q: What if I’m younger than 14 but otherwise “perfect” for this group?
    • A: If you’re below 14, see HERE for information our JUNIOR GIRLBAND project.
    • A: If you’re selected in spite of you being younger than required, you’ll be an “understudy”, i.e. someone who can fill in a spot – if it opens up – in the main group. You’ll train and record just like the main group – but – you’ll really be the target for our NEXT project. Being an understudy in a professional group will give you an immense advantage when the next project starts. In a theoretical scenario, if you’re, say, 13 or 12, and are MIND-BLOWINGLY good, it’s possible – though don’t count on it – that the record label will decide to back an earlier release with you. I don’t think it’s likely, because the labor laws surrounding children are really tough and most labels simply wouldn’t want the hassle. But… it’s been done, and it will be done in the future – in exceptional situations. Finally, if you’re the “right age” but are qualified as an understudy – you’ll be training as a replacement for any of the girls who MIGHT drop out, though we hope that none will, so you’ll be the “insurance”. But the real hope is that you’ll be the mainstay of our next project, which, if this one goes to plan, is all but guaranteed to follow.