Jason Adamo
is a most familiar figure to regular listeners of Fame Games, not just because of his distinctive voice but also beautiful and powerful arrangements which don’t merely “sound great” but also can invariably be used as an object lesson in “how it’s done.”

Whatever you do, first and foremost listen to Jason’s latest EP “Bricks % Mortar” here. And while you’re at it, why not remind yourself of his previous work, “Transistor“.

So what to expect from “Bricks & Mortar” other than impeccable quality?

Well, it’s that indefinable quality which some might call “soul”, others “magic”. Everything just gels together, from that awesome vocal to the musicianship, and leaves you wanting to listen again – even if you don’t normally listen to country/rock hybrids. This EP is neither, but it owes a debt to both. But it repays that debt with hefty interest and you can’t ask for more! There’s even a tasty cover of the Doobies’ “Listen to the Music” which may at first make you raise your eyebrows, only to get you to play it again by the time you’ve listened to the whole thing. And again. The whole EP is, simply put, a gem.

For my personal taste, the runaway “hit” from this collection is “Foundation”. When I put it on in my studio, it took all of 30 seconds before I heard Laura’s voice shouting from downstairs “Who’s THAT?” And how often does that happen? Almost never. She plays her own stuff, I play my own. We don’t normally shout “who’s THAT” about anything. So when I told her, she said “God I miss Fame Games”, and added “Jason’s absolutely awesome!” And that, pretty much, sums up how I feel as well.

Wisely, Jason’s placed “Foundation” first and it’s all but guaranteed to convert you on the spot! Listen to the whole thing though. You’ll be back for more, again and again.

jason adamo

Jason Adamo doesn’t just deserve support. His music is a must-have. Need I say more? Go and support him now!