SIMA Pro Career Development

In collaboration with MMI Studios as well as music industry partners in the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and USA, SIMA also offers programs for young artists that go beyond what might normally be expected. So far, all of the development artists we have pitched to labels, publishers and managers around the world have indeed signed deals – and have had record releases (some of which have charted!) Here are just a few of them:

Upcoming Releases

  • Chia Rose – Naked
  • Leila Aarden – I Freed You
  • Claudia Svitlana – Movin’ Too Fast
  • TJ Jenkins – Icebreaker
  • Keisha – Summer Love
  • Saray – Gigolo Romeo
  • Karisha – Run This Town
Record Deals
If you know anything about the music business, you know just how insanely hard it is to get a record deal. And yet… the longest we took for a development artist to get a record deal – 3 years. The shortest time to a record deal from start of development with us – 6 months. LINK…….
Our Roster 2020

We currently have 11 artists n our roster, 9 of whom have got record deals and have released at least one record. The remaining 2 are currently in negotiations with target labels.


Remember Fame Games Radio?

Back in 2005 we launched Fame Games Radio, at the time the largest indepdenent music radio show in the world. It was syndicated across the USA through ABC Radio Networks (later through Dial Global and Envision Networks).

Get In Touch

If you’re interested in being considered for our pro artist development roster, drop us a line and we’ll tell you how to proceed from there.


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