B3-CH04 – Build Your Site – Host Your Domain
Once you have your domain â a process which takes only seconds to complete with the likes of NameCheap or GoDaddy â you must âhostâ your domain somewhere where it can be...
B3-CH03 – Build Your Site – Buy a Domain
Iâm going to assume you donât have a site yet, but if you do â read through this section anyway. There are a lot of points here which you need to check in any case. You start by buying your own domain....
B3-CH02 – Setting Up Your Site
There are MANY ways to set up a business online. Some of them donât even require a website of your own (for example, using such public blogging platforms as Squidoo or Hubpages or only promoting some affiliate product link), although I would not...
B3-CH01 – Building Your Web-based Music Business
Your website and online business will only be as good as your execution. It needs to be said, so we might as well get that out of the way. This course should provide you with great help and lots of shortcuts â but the actual workâ¦...
B2-CH19 – Your Team and Your Operational Budget
As you’re reading all this, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you felt a bit overwhelmed. And we didn’t even get to the hands-on part (part 3). Alternatively, you might think that all of this sounds “do-able” and you can’t wait to get started. Both these attitudes...
B2-CH18 – Getting Fans From Your Local Market
Another important consideration when building your music business is establishing relationships with local businesses, venues – and, of course, local fans. [emember_protected for=3-4-5] Your local market is, in fact, THE most important element in your career progress....
B2-CH17 – Your Own Site As the Ultimate Fan-Building Machine
This is by far the most important aspect of your entire business preparation and thus much of part 3 of this course is dedicated to it. Still, in this section I just wanted to touch upon some of the most important things and ideas which can germinate in your head...
B2-CH16 – Building Fans via Press Releases and Promotion Venues
While there are endless possibilities for free press releases on the web, only few of them give you any real value. Not that you should ignore them entirely, but just don’t count on conquering the world through them. A better option is paid services of that ilk. They...
B2-CH15 – Building Fans Through Contests, Gigs and Song Submissions
Another thing which you shouldn’t overlook – but you shouldn’t “count on” too much either – is taking part in song contests or submitting your songs for consideration by other artists, labels, film studios, music libraries, etc. [emember_protected for=3-4-5] If you’re...
B2-CH14B – Building Fans Using Social Networks
Another way to build your list is through social networks, special interest groups, forums, blogs and – of course – your own site. Let’s start with the social networks. [emember_protected for=4-5] Most important music networks THE most important network of them ALL,...
B2-CH14 – Building Fans Using Email
Here’s a broad-strokes overview of your sources of fans and ways to communicate with them. Let’s start with looking at your email correspondence – one of the most important pillars of your list building and maintenance. [emember_protected for=3-4-5] Opt-in emails....
B2-CH13 – Fan and Audience List Building
Why would people want to be on your mailing list? Isn't that "asking to be spammed?" Why would you even want to have such a list? Unlike artists of yesterday, today you not only âcanâ but are in fact âexpected...
B2-CH12 – Turbo-Charging Your Music Sales
Even though I intend for part 3 to deal with the step by step detail selling and other more technical things, I felt that a little diversion into that territory within this section is justified, especially that I just listed a number of income generation ideas any...
B2-CH11 – Your Art And Your Incomes
As a do-it-yourself “label” and a startup music business, you need to have an idea going in regarding your potential incomes. While this topic will be explored in greater depth in part 3 of this course, here’s a small preview, because it WILL – to some extent at least...
B2-CH10 – Your Music vs Your Business
Many artists see their music as being “at odds” with business. It doesn’t have to be that way at all. In fact, it really isn’t. But many artists draw a strong line separating the two. And you’ll never hear of them again. [emember_protected for=3-4-5] Other artists go...
B2-CH09 – Your Image
There is a fine line between “who you are” as a person or as an artist, and “how you’re perceived”. Ideally, you should “naturally fit” your niche perfectly. If you’re performing music that certain types of rock audiences like, you will tend to wear the kind of...
B2-CH08 – Audience Research and Feedback – An Aspect of A&R
Some artists might claim that they don’t care what other people think. They write “for themselves” and if anyone likes it – great. If not – great. And one in a thousand of those artists might have a point, although I actually doubt it. In the vast majority of cases,...
B2-CH07 – The A&R Process
As I mentioned elsewhere in this course, you will need to wear the hat of the “A&R Man” as well – or have someone who will – at least to some extent. Without your own record label this function may at first be considered superfluous, but it’s not. An aspect of an...
B2-CH06 – Dirty Production Tricks
Sometimes things just don’t sound the way you wanted them to, no matter how many re-takes you did. Perhaps that vocal still doesn’t sit right, or maybe that bass part is just not exciting enough. What do you do? There are at least four basic approaches at that point –...
B2-CH05 – Vocal Considerations
Most “popular” types of music feature vocals and the credibility of vocal performances is therefore of the highest importance. In fact, it can be said that it’s the vocal that will be the most responsible for the success or failure of any given song in your target...
B2-CH04 – Session Players, Engineers, Coaches and Other Supporting Experts
Another important aspect of your production, partially covered in the preceding production checklist, is the question of the individual performances of the musicians on your demo. You might be great at playing in all the parts – or you might be just okay, on at least...
B2-CH03 – A concise checklist for the self-producing artist
When independently producing music, the bulk of the effort has to be on that final 1%. That’s where that “major label sound” is. You want it? Well, here’s how you get it. It comes down to producing yourself correctly. You don’t “have to” do it the way it’s spelled out...
B2-CH02 – A concise songwriting checklist
Let’s face it – songwriting is not just an art-form. It’s also a craft. If it wasn’t – a monkey could do it. (Yeah, I know – some music out there is probably done by simians, but so what!) Amateurs often have a common argument against “learning” songwriting. It goes...
B2-CH01 – Getting The Product Right, Or: Is Your Music Good Enough?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, right? Who’s to say if your music is “good” or not? Well… yes and no. Sure, art is subjective. But craft is not. When you create your original music (or sing covers, doesn’t matter), you need to be able to blend the two (art AND...
B1-CH17 – The Big Picture
The introduction is almost over! Wasn’t too bad, was it? Going in, the first thing you need to know is what you're about to do, in broad strokes. And you need to understand the reason for each thing. So, let's list these things here: [emember_protected for=2-3-4-5]...
B1-CH16 – Objections
Let’s deal with the most common objections now. I KNOW how FEW artists are motivated enough to take on what I’ll suggest in this course. I therefore want to somehow ensure that you’re going into all this with your eyes wide open. And I also want to assure you that you...
B1-CH15 – Building Your Audience
Ideally, your online presence should be the extension of your offline (real-world) presence. Not the other way around (though this is certainly possible as well, as we'll show). Online promotion allows you to scale your popularity and business in a much more dramatic...
B1-CH14 – If There Was Only ONE Thing You Had To Do…
What would it be? [emember_protected for=2-3-4-5] Almost all of the efforts you'll be undertaking within this course ultimately have just one thing in common: building an audience for your music. If by some magic you could build an audience with a snap of your...
B1-CH13 – The Broad Plan
[emember_protected for=2-3-4-5] YOUR MUSIC GET THE PRODUCT RIGHT - Make sure the “product” is right. A “department” in your company (yes, YOU, initially) must ensure that the music you’re producing is “right” for the target market it is aimed at. This will involve not...
B1-CH12 – Structuring Your Broad Business Plan
Think of your music activity as a company (though you don't have to formally register it until you actually start pulling in regular and reliable incomes.) It has a “creative” department (let’s call it “R&D” – research and development), and a “business” side –...
B1-CH11 – So what do I mean by “work”? What do you have to do?
At the very least, you need to KNOW WHAT needs to be done and next KNOW HOW to GET IT DONE. In fact, knowing how to get something done is more important than doing it yourself. After all, you want to work ON your music business – not FOR it. So, your first mission now...
B1-CH10 – Understanding Before Planning – Planning Before Acting
Today, everyone with access to the Internet has the exact same resources at their fingertips. So how come only so very few succeed? The answer is obvious. Most don't try hard enough, or if they do, they do it wrongly by misdirecting their efforts. Others try a little...
B1-CH09 – So, Once Again – Indie or Major?
I think there should be NO DOUBT about what is actually PREFERABLE: and that's going indie. Not only is it better in just about every conceivable way, it is also the only way you can ever be considered for a major recording contract these days. Proof of concept. First...
B1-CH08 – Your Competition: It’s a Level Playing Field. Sort of.
With everything the Internet has to offer, you now have the tools to do just about everything you need – for “almost free.” This means that “theoretically” you could do “everything” without paying a dime, but in practice, you want outside specialists to do certain...
B1-CH07 – What about A&R?
The "artist and repertoire" representative (a.k.a. "the A&R man") in a major label is tasked with matching the artist's music to the most appropriate songs and market. Or, as it happens much more frequently (and rather sadly) forcing the artist into an already...
B1-CH06 – Is Music Still Selling?
One of the biggest debates in the music circles over the past 20 years has been the growth of the internet "music piracy" which is blamed for the supposed "destruction of the music business", and which has been used as an excuse for endless freedom-limiting legal...
B1-CH05 – Isn’t It All About Having a Top Hit?
This is a very common misconception. People are only aware of the mega hits and the legends that 90% of all revenues in the music industry are driven by 10% of its artists. The hit-makers. While this may have been true at some point in the past - although I actually...
B1-CH04 – Indie or Record Deal?
While having a major financial backer (e.g. a label) behind you might sound like a great idea, there are MANY pitfalls involved here. Unless you are – literally – one in a million who not only gets the major label contract but also is successfully launched in a major...
B1-CH03 – Why I Created This Course
This chapter is more personal. But I felt that giving you a little background for how the idea of this course took shape is important for you to “totally get” where we’re going and why. Chances are, you will recognize yourself in my past experiences and my subsequent...
B1-CH02 – Foreword
A few weeks ago, a singer I know called me up to get my opinion on her plans to travel from where she lived in Canada all the way to Hollywood in order to personally pitch her music there to the music industry moguls. Failing that, anyone she could get to. She tried...
B1-CH01 – How Is This Course Organized
This course is divided into three separate sections. Introduction – THIS book. It contains everything from personal notes to background information and general awareness-building. This is the “easy reading” part which I recommend that you don’t skip. Your Music – Here...
Internet Business Models
[emember_protected for=3-4-5] [/emember_protected] Course Overview
Traffic Resources
[emember_protected for=4-5] [/emember_protected] Course Overview
Outsourcing Resources
[emember_protected for=4-5] [/emember_protected] Course Overview
Classified Ad Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Here are over 30 Classified Ad Resources and Networks. Resource Alexa Descr Craigslist 40 Backpage 559 Classified Ads 2,416 Ebay Classifieds 2,930 Classifieds Giant 3,116 OLX 3,337 iNetGiant 3,740 Oodle 4,071 AdPost 5,306 Sale Spider 6,223...
CPA and Affiliate Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Enjoy this hugely comprehensive list of over 500 CPA and affiliate networks! Resource Alexa Descr Google Adsense 1 Advertise with Google AdWords ads in the Sponsored Links section next to search results to boost website traffic and sales....
CPC/CPM Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Here's what you might call a comprehensive list of CPC and CPM ad networks...! Over 270 of them at this time. Enjoy. Resource Alexa Descr Google AdWords 1 Google provides advertisers with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on relevant search...
CPV Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Here's a pretty comprehensive list of over 60 CPV networks for your perusal. Resource Alexa Descr Amazon.com 10 Although Amazon offers a smaller percentage per sale, their reporting system far surpasses other big networks. CPV advertising...
eBook and Writing Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] And now, over 50 eBook Promotion & Tutorial Writing Sites & Resources Resource Alexa Descr Google Reader 1 google.com as source of referral traffic GoogleBooks 1 Slideshare 177 PDF Share Scribd 205 Document sharing sites Issuu 623...
Facebook Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] Facebook Ad Course Get Facebook ads from as little as 2 cents per click, and much more. The Basics Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Funnel Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] Learn exactly how the sales funnel works in this short course. Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/funnel/1-introduction.mp4[/pro-player] Affiliate Sales Funnel, part 1 [pro-player...
Mobile Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] 20 Mobile Marketing Sites & Resources. Resource Alexa Descr OutBrain 174 Outbrain recommends your article, mobile and video content on your site and on premium publisher ... Top brands and publishers have benefitted from Outbrain. ---...
Paid Traffic Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] Here are a few VERY good courses for you, teaching you how to pay for traffic the RIGHT way. Special Reports Simple PPC Secrets TrafficWave Report Paid Traffic Basics Selected Paid Traffic Resources [/emember_protected] Course...
AdSense Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] And now enjoy our detailed instructions for how to set up your AdSense to generate autopilot profits for your site. These videos also include complementary information about such things as niche research, site setup, SEO and other...
AdWords Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] AdWords Direct Response Phase 1 () Keyword Research [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/adwords/phase1_Keyword Research_x264.mp4[/pro-player] Buyer Keywords [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Affiliate Links
[emember_protected for=4-5] Affiliate and CPA marketing is one of the most popular online business models on the Internet today. And there is good reason for its popularity. Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative IF you know what is already priced right and selling...
Affiliate Marketing Course
[emember_protected for=5] All you need to know about affiliate marketing. Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://www.coachtip.com/res/affiliate/Intro and Chapter One_x264.mp4[/pro-player] Chapter 2 [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Autoresponder Basics
[emember_protected for=5] Autoresponder and List Building Basics Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/autoresponder/1-introduction_x264.mp4[/pro-player] List Setup [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Bookmarking Expertise
[emember_protected for=5] Bookmarking Course Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/bookmarking/Video_1_Introduction.mp4[/pro-player] Effective Social Bookmarking [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Copywriting Basics
[emember_protected for=5] If you want to improve your copywriting skills, make sure to download this brief, but very powerful course on just this topic. As ever, RIGHT-click and "save as" to study this. Copywriting Course [/emember_protected] Course...
cPanel Instructions
[emember_protected for=5] How To Use Your cPanel, a brief video course Login to cPanel [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/cpanel/01-login-to-cPanel_x264.mp4[/pro-player] Setup eMail Accounts [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Google Basics
[emember_protected for=5] Learn all you need to know about Google Analytics, Google Plus as well as how to make the most of your Gmail account, in this handy course. If you wish to download the transcript of each video, simply right-click and "save as" on the...
Keyword Tools
[emember_protected for=3-4-5] Introduction I’m sure you’ve heard many webmasters say that “keywords are the lifeblood of SEO”. That’s only half the story. Keywords are the lifeblood of the entire Internet – including paid traffic sources and just about anything else...
List Building Guide
[emember_protected for=5] Here's an excellent little tutorial in the best principles of list building. Part 1 - Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/listbuilding/ListBuilding-Intro.mp4[/pro-player] Part 2 [pro-player...
Local Domination
[emember_protected for=5] Here we show you how to create a vibrant lead generation business in a local market or niche. You can apply these steps for your own business, or you can convert this into a new income stream for your own business. Some of the steps we go...
Membership Sites & Programs
[emember_protected for=5] There are many ways to set up membership sites. Here are two very popular models. Simple Wordpress Membership Part 1 [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/membs/wp/video-1_x264.mp4[/pro-player] Part 2...
Optin List Mastery
[emember_protected for=5] Understanding opt-in lists is one of the primary keys to the success of your online operation. Here's a concise guide to help you with that. Introduction and Step 1 Step 2 Steps 3 and 4 Step 5 and Conclusion Full Final Ultimate Opt-In List...
PayPal Sandbox
[emember_protected for=5] PayPal Sandbox Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/paypal/sandbox/1-introduction_x264.mp4[/pro-player] Setup [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
PayPal User’s Guide
[emember_protected for=5] Setting Up Your Account Details Before you start using PayPal for taking payments online, make sure you have all your account details in order. Having your account details right will ensure that your customers will be able to contact you if...
Product Creation
[emember_protected for=5] Whether you're creating a product within your own niche or developing products in other niches, this tutorial will walk you through all the necessary steps and thinking processes you'll need to know. Introduction [pro-player width='600'...
SEO Tips
[emember_protected for=5] [/emember_protected] Course Overview
Social Basics
[emember_protected for=5] Social Basics Plan of Attack The Ultimate Strategy 120 Social Media Profile Tips Here are all kinds of ideas for different information to add to your social networking web page profiles. The more personal and professional information you give...
Traffic Sources
[emember_protected for=5] Traffic Sources introduction PPC Advertising Sources [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/traffic/1.mp4[/pro-player] CPV/PPV Advertising Sources [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Video Marketing
[emember_protected for=5] Enjoy Our Comprehensive Video Marketing Course! Create YouTube Account Setting Up Your First Account [pro-player width='600' height='400'...
Web Hosting Explained
[emember_protected for=5] Know More About Your Hosting Options [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://www.coachtip.com/res/hosting/Web Hosting Report.mp4[/pro-player] When you're building a business on the internet, web hosting is one of the...
Website Templates
[emember_protected for=4-5] If ever you need to quickly build beautiful-looking HTML or CSS-based websites, here are over 250 different ready-made templates for you to freely use whenever you like - complete with editable PSD graphics, full custom layouts and more....
WordPress Basics
[emember_protected for=5] Wordpress Basics - A concise course for all you need to know about setting up Wordpress Introduction [pro-player width='600' height='400' type='video']http://coachtip.com/res/wp/01WPWU-Intro.mp4[/pro-player] Getting Ready [pro-player...
WSO Product Launch
[emember_protected for=5] Here's a handy guide to not only creating your product but also launching it - in this case as a "WSO" (or "Warrior Special Offer") - most appropriate for marketing-related products - but the methodology is pretty much the same for just about...
Your Graphics Library
If you're the DIY type, then enjoy our extensive graphics library which you can use royalty-free on your website, courtesy of CoachTIP! We include editable PSD's, as well as PNG and JPG files in each of the ZIP files below. There's LOTS to choose from there, so...
RSS Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Over 30 RSS Marketing Sites & Resources. Resource Alexa Descr Google Reader 1 google.com as source of referral traffic YouTube 3 Video Advertising Feedburner 620 Bidvertiser 1,423 Site targeted for relevancy. Ads for eBay Sales. XML...
Site Optimization
[emember_protected for=3-4-5] I enclose a 100-page off-page and on-page SEO optimization book for you. This book was originally developed for my rather successful (though currently temporarily discontinued) "SEOlater" program which is presently being updated and will...
Social Networks
[emember_protected for=4-5] Nearly 50 Social Marketing Sites & Resources. Resource Alexa Descr Google Plus 1 Social Media Network Facebook 2 Self Serve Ads on Facebook Resource: Facebook 2 JV giveaways Twitter 8 Social Media Network LinkedIn Answers 12 LinkedIn...
Traffic Exchanges
[emember_protected for=4-5] Over 20 Traffic Exchange Sites & Resources. Resource Alexa Descr Zedo Ad Network 69 ZEDO is a leading global online ad platform with one of the best ad servers, high-impact ad formats with viewable impressions, and private exchange...
Various Networks
[emember_protected for=3-4-5] And here's over 190 Contextual Advertising, Article Marketing, Content Syndication & Other Writing/ad resources and networks Resource Alexa Descr Google Double Click 1 Media Buys with Google - DoubleClick is very slick and...
Video Networks
[emember_protected for=3-4-5] Here are over 70 Video Marketing Sites & Resources. Resource Alexa Descr YouTube 3 Video Advertising & so much more! AOL Advertising 67 Connect with your audience through high-quality content, premium ad formats, video at scale...
February 2014 Update
It's probably been long enough without Fame Games, hasn't it? I decided to finally take some steps towards a re-launch by creating a new kind of a music business course which I named "The Online Music Business Crusher". Yeah I know. The name sounds a bit hypey, but...
Cyber PR’s A-Z Artist Guide to Halloween: from Apparitions to Zombies
The Halloween season is upon us, and you can start to feel it here in NYC. The air is cooling off, and these Park Slope houses are starting to dress up for the occasion. The well-decorated houses are looking scary, and the half-baked ones are almost scarier… We’re...
Video: Kirin J Callinan: ‘Landslide’
In his video for Embracism cut "Landslide", deep-voiced Australian crooner Kirin J Callinan hangs upside-down over a body of water, covered in mud. Here's the twist though: The video is flipped, so it looks like the water is above him. Trippy stuff. The mind-meld was...
Digital Media Deconstructed: Tim Board of Front Range Scribbles
This month we pick up the Digital Media Deconstructed series, an interview series focused on digital media makers and their own experience with creating a consistent compelling content strategy, establishing their own signature story and developing a stronger online...
Watch: Vampire Weekend Do ‘Unbelievers’, Grizzly Bear Do ‘Yet Again’ on ‘Austin City Limits’
The new season of "Austin City Limits", the live music television program on PBS, began this month, and recently featured a set by Phoenix. Tomorrow's episode will feature sets from Vampire Weekend and Grizzly Bear—check out both setlists at the bottom of this post....
Video: Washed Out: ‘All I Know’
Washed Out's Paracosm highlight "All I Know" has a new video. Directed by Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen and produced by Urban Outfitters, it features two young guys who hit the road for an adventure following a devastating bout of heartache. And...
Black Flag’s New Album Is Called ‘What The…’ Features Amazingly Terrible Cover Art
Greg Ginn's Black Flag reunion–not to be confused with FLAG, the other Black Flag reunion project—is releasing a new album, out November 5, as the iTunes listing reveals (via BrooklynVegan). Yes, that up there is the Nicktoons-esque album cover. The record is aptly...
It’s a Kind of Magic From Garry Bean
The latest arrival in my inbox is from Garry Bean, whose music you can check out right here: [youtube -x8fGwfTcEU] Make sure to follow the related links on YouTube to check out some of his other material, or just go straight here...
The Latest Tour de Force from Jason Adamo
Jason Adamo is a most familiar figure to regular listeners of Fame Games, not just because of his distinctive voice but also beautiful and powerful arrangements which don't merely "sound great" but also can invariably be used as an object lesson in "how it's done."...
Reviewing Ray Jozwiak
Ever since Fame Games got put on hold, I frequently get asked to do music reviews for artists. When I agree, I typically email them my notes and that's that. But recently I've received a few dozen such requests within the space of a few days - some kind of a freakish...
How to Deal with Anxiety and Stress in Music Industry
Stress and anxiety are very common in today’s music industry. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage the daily stresses and anxieties of their music industry profession. Sometimes, we get stressed when everything happens all at...
Starting A Small Record Label
With the advent of easily-accessible digital distribution channels, independent labels can more easily than ever place their artists on the market. If you're an unsigned artist, it may be an idea for you to create your own label to which you can sign your act - and,...
Planning Musical Survival For The Independent Musician
Being an independent musician means that you have the ability to make the type of music that you want, affect your community, and - even make money from it. Considering all the options available to you as a musician will help you broaden your career options. As an...
Make Money With your Music in Films Just By Talking to People
Licensing you music into films is a great extra income stream for you as an independent artist. But, as with any other aspect of the music business, you have to go through the learning curve and networking process. In film licensing, just like with everything else, it...
Music Contract Jargon
Musicians are typically not lawyers as well. If that's true of you too, then this definitely puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to reading, reviewing, understanding, agreeing to and signing music contracts . Music business contracts can be complicated and...
Music Contracts 101 Part Two: More Basics
Music business contracts and recording contracts can be intimidating to all of those involved. Maybe you are starting your own label or are a new manager in the music industry, whatever your situation, you must grasp the basics involved in music contracts. Our last...
Music Contracts 101 Part One: The Basics
Whether you have been using a contract for years or if it is brand new for you, it won't kill you to examine and perk up your music contracts. Ideally, you are going to want fair-minded music business contracts that are designed for precision rather than their...
Top 3 Music Business Books – Part 3
Ty Cohen Presents: a Review of the Top 3 Music Business Books That Every Artist, Singer, Musician and Rapper Should Read - Part 3 The one thing that nobody seems to have enough of these days is time. This is especially true when you are building a career. For aspiring...
Top 3 Music Business Books – Part 2
Ty Cohen Presents: a Review of the Top 3 Music Business Books That Every Artist, Singer, Musician and Rapper Should Read - Part 2 Being a music professional is an on-going learning experience. Aspiring musicians need to learn the basics on how the industry works, from...
Top 3 Music Business Books – Part 1
Ty Cohen Presents: A Review of the Top 3 Music Business Books That Every Artist, Singer, Musician and Rapper Should Read - Part 1 Being a professional means being informed. That is as true for musicians and singers as it is for lawyers and doctors. Reading industry...
Music Business Plan – The 7 Step Music Success Plan!
If you're serious about your music career you need to think of it like a proper business and create a music business plan that lays out your plan and goals so that you can stay on target. The simple guide below will help you rapidly create a music business plan that...
Music Contract Lies 101
Brace yourself, because the music industry is full of lies. But what industry doesn't have its share of truths, lies and exaggerations? I am sure there isn't one without issues. But you are in the music industry so you need to be aware of some of the issues that...
Learning the Business Side of the Music Business
Many musicians don't pay enough attention to the business aspect of their career and as a result end up broke, in bankruptcy court and/or in bad deals. It is very important for a musician to take an aggressive look and active role in learning the day-to-day business...
Mainstream Radio Profits from Supporting Indies-ABCs Dave van Dyke Speaks Out
Fame Games Edition: 183 First Airing Date: Jun 20, 2008 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with former ABC Radio Networks Vice-president, and President of Bridge Ratings, Dave van Dyke. What, in Dave's expert view, is needed for indie music to gain...
Venice Maki – From US Soccer Team To Music – Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#13 First Airing Date: Apr 11, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier & Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with Los Angeles-based former US-national soccer team star and superb artist Venice Maki. Venice Maki is a two-time Track of the Month...
Producer Stephen Street (Morrissey, Smiths, Blur, Babyshambles, etc)
Fame Games Edition: January 2010 First Airing Date: Alt.Progs/10 Interviewer: Tony Cowell Enjoy this Fame Games interview with legendary record producer Stephen Street who worked with The Smiths, Morrissey, Blur, Kaiser Chiefs and Pete Doherty among many others. What...
JosyB – Jennifer Lopez MkII But Credible! Why Isn’t She Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#22 First Airing Date: Jul 25, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the superb latin/hip-hop/R&B act JosyB. JosyB is a superb R&B singer and a hip-hop chick, currently performing together with Ribkat. She is...
Beta Rays – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: Alt.Progs/09 First Airing Date: Aug-2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the superb British indie band Beta Rays. Beta Rays have been described as the best rock band in Britain by many people in the music industry......
Makeover Guru Nicky Hambleton-Jones
Fame Games Edition: GBC-10 First Airing Date: Mar 21, 2009 Interviewer: Tony Cowell Enjoy this Fame Games interview with celebrity fashion expert Nicky Hambleton-Jones. Nicky talks to Tony Cowell about music and fashion, and with her inimitable charm even proposes a...
eWorld’s Independent Music Awards!
Start 2011 With a Big Bang! How would you like to take part in this year's most important Hollywood-based event for international indie artists? How would you like to have the next big breakthrough song? IT CAN HAPPEN FOR YOU! From the team who brought you the...
Brent Harvey & Hollywood Music in Media Awards – Watch out Grammy!
Fame Games Edition: GBC-18 First Airing Date: Jul 18, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier & Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the co-founder of Hollywood Music Awards, Brent Harvey, recorded last year, shorlty before the second annual HMMA was launched. This...
Midori & Audioclique – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: AltProg/09 First Airing Date: Aug 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with one of the best indie rock groups on Fame Games, Midori and Audioclique. With accolades pouring in from all corners of the music industry, why...
Kelly Pettit – Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#05 First Airing Date: Feb 14, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the fabulous country/pop artist Kelly Pettit, the Australian/Canadian currently based in Tokyo, Japan. Kelly Pettit is among the most successful...
Kireina – Why Isn’t She Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: AltProg/09 First Airing Date: Aug 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the superb power-pop artist, originally hailing from Spain, Kireina. Kireina is an excellent singer and songwriter. She is among the most...
Steve McKeever – The Mastermind Behind Obama’s Music Campaign
Fame Games Edition: 200 First Airing Date: Oct 31, 2008 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with Steve McKeever, founder of Hidden Beach Records - the independent label which released the "Yes We Can" album in support of the presidential campaign for...
Canadian Idol Finalist Oliver Pigott – Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: AltProg/09 First Airing Date: Aug 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with one of the best rock/folk artists on Fame Games, Oliver Pigott. Oliver achieved many distinctions on Fame Games, including a Track of the Month,...
Da Enforcerz – Awesome Intelligent Hip Hop On Steroids! Discover Them Now!
Fame Games Edition: GBC#04 First Airing Date: Feb 07, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the fabulous three-times Best Hip-Hop Act Effigy Award winners, Da Enforcerz. Da Enforcerz are easily among the best hip-hop acts in the world...
Best of Israeli Rock – missFlag – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#15 First Airing Date: May 16, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the incredible Israeli alternative/art-rock band missFlag. missFlag have produced many of their indie records with bomb going off all around them,...
Ennis – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#14 First Airing Date: Apr 18, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the incredible folk/country/pop artists, Ennis (formerly Ennis Sisters). Ennis is a superbly talented duo of sisters who write and perform...
Armen – Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: AltProg/09 First Airing Date: Aug 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier, Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the superb hip-hop/R&B/world artist Armen. Armen is an excellent singer, songwriter and producer and a multiple Effigy Award winner....
Merry Christmas All! (December 2010 Newsletter)
This is our last newsletter for 2010, and with that we would like to wish you all only the very best for Christmas and the New Year 2011! We hope your dreams will come true and your musical strategies will all pan out perfectly. How has 2010 been for you? Tell us...
Special Gift (Dec 2010)
This month, we've got a few more goodies for all of you. Enjoy! For all of you who have already registered with FairPlayForMusic or IndieMusicPlanet (or who will register presently): Mastering The Music Website Lifecycle by EasyBe Pages: 36 Music Business Dictionary...
Super Christmas Bonus Offer!
Christmas is a time of giving, right? Well, have we got a gift for you... The books we've collected here for you are simply fantastic. Most of them have been published in hard-copy and some have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. The collective retail value of...
Viral December 2010
Winning on a losing ticket...? [youtube II_-QcW4Q4I 480 350] "Swan Lake" like you've never seen it before [youtube 4sMc-p19FIk 480 350] Help keep Fame Games Alive!
Snow Patrol’s Jim Chancellor
Fame Games Edition: 226 and GBC-20 First Airing Date: Jun 20, 2009 Interviewer: Tony Cowell Enjoy this Fame Games interview with Fiction Records A&R boss Jim Chancellor who signed Snow Patrol among many others. Jim talks about the challenges of an indie record...
The Influence – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: AltProg/09 First Airing Date: Aug 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with one of the best rock groups ever on Fame Games, The Influence. The Influence achieved many distinctions and took multiple top awards on Fame Games, so...
Appleton Songwriter/Producer Andy Hayman
Fame Games Edition: 50 First Airing Date: Oct 16, 2006 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this very early Fame Games interview with hit songwriter and producer, Andy Hayman. Andy had enormous successes with bands like Appleton, Smoke 2 Seven, Garreth Gates, Wonita, and many...
Music PR With Don Wasley – That’s How It’s Done
Fame Games Edition: 229 and GBC-23 First Airing Date: Jul 10, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with one of Americas top PR gurus, Don Wasley. Don strolls down memory lane reminiscing his past successes such as the launch of the supergroup...
Will Champlin – So Hot He’s Burnin Up! So Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#03 First Airing Date: Jan 23, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier & Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with Nashville-based son of Chicagos Bill Champlin, if at all possible even more talented Will Champlin. Will Champlin is a two-time...
On Top of the World with A1s Paul Marazzi
Fame Games Edition: July 31, 2006 First Airing Date: 48 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this early Fame Games interview with A1 member Paul Marazzi. Incredibly likeable, charming, knowledgeable, and talented, this interview will put a smile on your face! Interviewed by DJ...
Andy Tumi & Panos Liassi of Fishbowl vs Supafly
Fame Games Edition: 42 First Airing Date: May 04, 2006 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this very early Fame Games interview with hit artists Andy Tumi and Panos Liassi a.k.a. Supafly vs Fishbowl. Andy had lots of previous successes as the writer for such bands as...
David Thiele – Why Isn’t He Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#08 First Airing Date: Mar 07, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier & Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the fabulous pop artist David Thiele. David Thiele easily among the best indie artists in America today, and hes also one of the...
Music Licensing 101 With Suzanne Hilleary
Fame Games Edition: 218 and GBC-18 First Airing Date: Jun 06, 2009 Interviewers: DJ Crier, Sid Olivera, Paul Sedkowski Enjoy this Fame Games interview with founder of WacBiz Suzanne Hilleary. Suzanne talks about music licensing and has loads of important insights and...
Slowly But Surely… (November 2010 Newsletter)
The Fame Games 2.0 concept is steadily growing, and slowly but surely nearing completion. We're testing its various components and writing tons of cutting-edge indie music promotion techniques down - all of which we'll share with you once everything's completed. We're...
Special Gift (Nov 2010)
What Will Your Special Gift Be...? For all of you who have already registered with FairPlayForMusic or IndieMusicPlanet (or who will register presently): How To Use YouTube To Propel Your Music Career A Fame Games 2.0 Special Report Pages: 8 by Paul Sedkowski 100 Ways...
Viral November 2010
Here's the fourth part of our little series... (right-click on the images to download them) How's this for a quick getaway... Walking on water - big deal. It's been done. Heard it all, seen it all? Well then, maybe it's time for a snack! Well, hello...! At least this...
Fame Games Round 256 – The Final
Includes 256 Final – the LAST FG show. Ft. Jessica Loren – “DNA” (Defending Track of the Week Winner), Hype Theory – “We Will Be Signing”, Lauren Mazur – “In The Way”, Bryan Eich – “Heaven’s Just a Feeling”, Bobby Tinsley – “What About Bob?”, View From Everest – “Trembling”
Fame Games 256 – Semifinals
Includes 256 Semifinals – featuring Spy Nation, The Zoup, Lauren Mazur, Bryan Eich, Dastards, Gareth Asher, Ribkat & Josy B, Bobby Tinsley, Mikey Power, Carina K, A´tris, View From Everest – and lots of fun was had all around by your trusty Fame Games crew – Laura, Paul, Graham, Sid, Lexy and Jake.
Fame Games 256 – Quarterfinal
Includes 256 Q-shows – ft. Kilroy Was Here, Brian Mccoy, Stefani Scovolo, Latino Royalty, The Max, Mark Abis, Alluvion, Bryan Eich, Dr Mary, Prettiest Meltdown, Lauren Mazur, Killer Heels, Hype Theory, Pale Soul, Lauren Strange, The Zoup, Jessica Loren, Mikey Power, Inner Voices, J-Zohar, Clint Crisher, and more
About the Fame Games Artists
We're rebuilding the entire artist database, so stay tuned and come back often!
Stars Go Dim – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC #17 & #26 First Airing Date: May 30, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier and Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games double-bill. Here are two interviews with the phenomenal indie band Stars Go Dim. Stars Go Dim is among the most successful bands ever on...
Marc Black – Brother in Arms w. Art Garfunkel and Steve Gadd Discover Him Now!
Fame Games Edition: GBC#19 First Airing Date: June 20, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the versatile folk/pop/rock Woodstock-based artist Marc Black. Marc Black is a multiple Effigy Award winner and his music is consistently voted as...
Maya Azucena – Why Isn’t She Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: GBC#19 First Airing Date: Jun 13, 2009 Interviewer: Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with Brooklyn, NY, artist, Maya Azucena. Maya Azucena is an Effigy Award winning vocalist and a fantastic indie artist whose popularity on Fame Games...
Derek Sivers, Indie Icon and CD-Baby Founder
Fame Games Edition: 100 First Airing Date: Sep 13, 2006 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this early Fame Games interview with indie music icon and visionary, founder of CD-Baby, Derek Sivers. Aired during edition 100 of Fame Games (still prior to US syndication), dated...
Al B Sure! the man behind Timbaland, Jodeci & more
Fame Games Edition: 222 and GBC-16 First Airing Date: May 22, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with one of the worlds most influential producers and an artist in his own right, Al B Sure. Al talks about his latest album, and reveals his role...
Two Spot Gobi – Why Aren’t They Famous Yet?
Fame Games Edition: 230 and GBC#24 First Airing Date: Jul 18, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier and Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with British indie band Two Spot Gobi. Winners of multiple Effigy Awards and nominations, Two Spot Gobi is a tremendously...
Tony Cowell – Simon Cowell’s Older, Wiser, Cooler, Smarter Brother
Fame Games Edition: 228 and GBC-22 First Airing Date: Jul 04, 2009 Interviewers: DJ Crier, Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with founder of CowellMedia, Tony Cowell. Tony talks about the plight of independent artists as well as authors, his brother, Simon...
All Day Sucker – About To Break Through! Be the First to Discover Them!
Fame Games Edition: GBC#14 First Airing Date: Apr 18, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier and Sid Olivera Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the fantastic LA band All Day Sucker, now slowly breaking through and already a huge hit on Fame Games Radio. All Day Sucker are not...
Breaking Through With Shontelle
Fame Games Edition: GBC-02 First Airing Date: Jan 24, 2009 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the breakthrough artist Shontelle. Shontelle talks about how she was discovered, her album Shontelligence, plans and hopes, her army days, her...
Independent Music Radio Promotion Primer With Peter Petro
Fame Games Edition: 101 First Airing Date: Sep 20, 2006 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this early Fame Games interview with Peter Petro of Bryan Farrish Radio Promotions. Aired during edition 101 of Fame Games (still long prior to US syndication), dated September 20,...
How We Doin’? (Since You Asked) – October 2010 Newsletter
If you read the September issue of our newsletter, you already know that we're working hard on putting Fame Games 2.0 together. We want it to be something quite extraordinary, different to anything else out there, empowering, enriching in more ways than one - simple,...
Viral October 2010
Here's the third part of our little series... (click on the images to enlarge them) You may be outgunned sometimes ... but you can still be resourceful Maybe you're just hangin' in there... ...but don't close your eyes to opportunities Don't quibble over small details...
Back On Top With Lionel Richie
Fame Games Edition: GBC-01 First Airing Date: Dec 26, 2008 Interviewer: DJ Crier Enjoy this Fame Games interview with the legendary music icon Lionel Richie. Lionel talks about his upcoming album and shares his insights the election of Barack Obama, his secret...
Remembering Deep Purple´s, Whitesnake’s, Rainbow’s John Coletta
Fame Games Edition: 92 and 93 First Airing Date: Jul 19/26, 2006 Interviewer: DJ Crier, Paul Sedkowski, Fame Games Crew A MUST-HEAR for any music fan. One of the earlier interview shows on Fame Games, this one is particularly touching and poignant, as the Fame Games...
Fame Games 2.0 On The Horizon (September 2010 Newsletter)
What would you do if you knew you could FINALLY make ENOUGH MONEY ON YOUR MUSIC to be able to quit your day job? And not only that: if you knew your music would continue being promoted and you would have a realistic chance of breaking through...? Would you say "nah,...
Viral September 2010
Here's the second part of our little series... (click on the images to enlarge them) Simple Lessons in Life: Sometimes life can hurt.... Remember that you're never alone... Make friends wherever you can... You never know who your followers may be... Be creative... Get...
Words of Wisdom From a Radio Pro
We are not alone in our views on contemporary mainstream radio. Not only the vast majority of listeners agree with our general sentiments, but - thankfully - a growing number of top professionals are beginning to object to the status quo. Today, we wanted to bring you...
August Status (August 2010 Newsletter)
Dear Friends, Our most sincere thanks go out to all of you who have heeded our call last month. Once we're out of this crisis, we'll have something rather special in store for you, you can bet on it! In this issue of our Newsletter, we'll focus on areas of more...
Viral August 2010
We hope these images will provide you with energy, laughter, hope, inspiration, ideas... (click on the images to enlarge them) While you're taking it easy.... ...thinking about your next move... ... wondering how you're gonna get out of this one... Meditate a little...
Music Industry 2010 – At A Glance
The music industry is in a bit of a slump, it would seem. But where does that leave you? All industries, right across the board, are suffering, so singling out music may not be altogether fair. Everyone's in a rut. But music and radio face a particularly interesting...
Support The Cause!
If there's any problems downloading, please drop us a quick line on paul@fairplayformusic.com and we'll fix that right away!
Oops…! (July 2010 Newsletter)
After years of helping independent artists and playing the music that deserves to be heard on radio without ever charging for it - the time has come where we need your help. This month, July 2010, Fame Games may have no choice but to close its doors and its website if...
Thanks for Supporting Us!
THANK YOU!!! We're SO grateful for your gesture!!! BIG BIG BIG Thanks! Thanks to people like you, independent artists have a fighting chance...! And now... check your email for details on how to download your special gift...! Lotsa love from the whole Fame Games Crew...
Supporter Free Gifts (Nov 2010)
Thank You For Supporting Us! Here are all your download links: (right-click on the titles and select "save link as") How To Use YouTube To Propel Your Music Career A Fame Games 2.0 Special Report Pages: 8 by Paul Sedkowski 100 Ways For Musicians to Use Social Media...
Subscriber Free Gifts (Nov 2010)
Thank You For Registering! Here are your download links: (right-click on the titles and select "save link as") How To Use YouTube To Propel Your Music Career A Fame Games 2.0 Special Report Pages: 8 by Paul Sedkowski 100 Ways For Musicians to Use Social Media for FREE...
Thanks for Subscribing!
Thank you for subscribing to the Fame Games newsletter! We will do our best to not only keep you informed about everything going on here, but also to seek out important industry news for you - and even throw in some of the best-tested web offers in the world! And...
Subscriber Free Gifts (Dec 2010)
Thank You For Registering! Here are your download links: (right-click on the titles and select "save link as") Mastering The Music Website Lifecycle by EasyBe Pages: 36 Music Business Dictionary by RecordLabelResource Pages: 18 Music Business Handbook by Berklee Music...
Supporter Free Gifts (Dec 2010)
Thank You For Supporting Us! Here are all your download links: (right-click on the titles and select "save link as") Mastering The Music Website Lifecycle by EasyBe Pages: 36 Music Business Dictionary by RecordLabelResource Pages: 18 Music Business Handbook by Berklee...
60-Minute Loan Modification
$87.95 60-Minute Loan Modification Here's another atypical product which caught our attention nonetheless. Superbly researched and definitely worth the money for anyone interested in loan modifications. 60 Minute Loan Mod is an info product from Ryan Rockwood that was...
Get XMas Bonus
I can't contribute anything right now, but I'd still like the chance to download these books! Let me have them!
Donate and Collect!
Decide how much you'd like to contribute, then click on the link at the bottom of this page to get your Xmas BONUS!. If there's any problems downloading your special gifts, please drop us a quick line on paul@fairplayformusic.com and we'll fix that right away! After...
Top Products
Our research into the best e-products on the web continues. The more we study this, the more we realize that by doing so we're actually doing our readers a HUGE favor (as long as they too are interested in products like these!). There are literally hundreds of...
DIY Guide To The Music Biz
$37.00 DIY Guide To The Music Biz There are literally hundreds of "How To" products out there today. Most essentially clone one another and few bring anything new to the table. The DIY Guide to the Music Biz goes through many of the same concepts, but it's up to date...
Satellite Direct – TV On Your PC!
$49.95 Satellite Direct You've probably seen many of those TV-on-your-PC programs and guidebooks - as have we. But this one is in a different league altogether. It's an info product from Alex Matthews that was released in August 2009. Unlimited Access to Over 3,500 HD...
Chris Farrell Membership
$4.95 / $35.00 Chris Farrell Membership This is probably our favorite product of all at the moment, because of the incredibly over-delivered value for relatively low money. Chris Farrell Membership is an info product from Chris Farrell, first released in December...
Blogging Espionage
$37.00 Blogging Espionage We weren't quite sure what to make of this at first. We've stumbled on some recommendations and thought we'd check it out, but at a glance it seemed to be seriously overhyped. But as we kept on digging, we changed our mind. There's a huge...
Web Design Mastery
$97.00 Web Design Mastery This is a seriously cool product, even if you're already a seasoned pro. If you're into website development in any way, shape or form, you'll find this totally guide invaluable. And it's simply packed with extra features and tools. Web Design...
Independent Music Artist Online Distribution Guide
$19.99 Independent Music Artist Online Distribution Guide This is an informational product from independent-music-distribution.com, first released in March 2007, but this version is updated to 2010. It's a great guide to how to sell your music worldwide online with...
How To Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns
$97.00 How To Become a Private Lender Earning Huge Returns For us to select a product like this might seem surprising to some of you - but it was just one of those things. We read about it, talked about it, and to our surprise we discovered we were all genuinely...
One Way Links Now!
$67.00 One Way Links Now! Knowing how important it is to have as many sites as possible pointing to your site, we were most curious about this guide. We've gone through many such books in the past and weren't sure that this one will offer anything new. It does. It's a...
Commission Blueprint 2.0
$297.00 Commission Blueprint 2.0 We couldn't help but be slightly sceptical about this product at first. We also thought "wow, pricey...!" But the more we studied this, the more impressed we got. Talk about literally tons of priceless information...! Commission...
Music Marketing Manifesto
$27.00 Music Marketing Manifesto Now, here's one area we all know quite a bit about, and it's one of those bottomless wells, where no matter how deep you go, you've still got a lot left to learn. As we did with all the other products here, we've tested it and scoured...
Indie Band Success
$29.95 Indie Band Success Indie Band Success is an informational product from Michael Hurll that was released in November 2008. This is the updated 2010 version. This eBook gives you lots of very good insights, tips and techniques to help you and your band do...
The Rich Janitor
$77.00 The Rich Janitor Even before we got interested in Internet marketing opportunities, we heard about this system, and our initial (un-researched) impressions were dubious, to say the least. But, now that we've decided to treat this subject more seriously, we've...
Record Label Business Plan
$99.99 Record Label Business Plan Now, here’s a REAL FIND! This is a brand new product and it’s so full of bonuses and useful extras, it’s would be a steal at four times the price. Beautifully put together and really well researched, this is a resource you’ll want...
Download XMas Bonus!
Enjoy your downloads...! Simply right-click on each title and select "save link as" or "save as" in your browser. Then make sure you save everything to a location on your hard disk where you can later easily find it and read it! If you left-click on the link, the...
Archived Shows
There are HUNDREDS of Fame Games shows which we have on our backup servers… the only issue now is finding the time to upload them here and set them up on the site for all to re-live once again. We’ll do it eventually… stay tuned!
The Effigy Awards Shows
This is the third annual Effigy Awards show from 2010, featuring hundreds of artists in over 70 categories. The show will serve as a great reminder of the kind of talent we featured on Fame Games, and will make you want to follow the winners.
Thank you for requesting information about Fame Games 2.0! Having encountered heavy opposition from our mainstream radio affiliates to promoting "unknown music", we knew we had to work hard to reinvent the Fame Games concept, in order for it to find the mass audience...
Show 233 Video
Includes 233 Q-shows, Semifinals and Finals – featuring Lee Whittaker, All Day Sucker, Vertigo, Hero’s Last Mission, Keegan Smith & The Fam, Doctor Mary, Two Spot Gobi, Rockizoid, Chix 6, Clint Crisher, Highlines
Show 232 Video
Includes 232 Q-shwos, Semis and Finals – featuring A Dull Science, Underwhelmed, Philos, Beckon Q, Highlines, Chix 6, Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Keegan Smith & The Fam, Christopher Scott Hamilton, Two Spot Gobi
Show 231 Video
Includes 231 Q-shows, Semis and Finals – featuring Beckon Q, Thad Reid, Keegan Smith & The Fam, Philos, Heather Wiggins, Lee Whittaker, Natalie Semkiw, Jason Zerbin, The Sanderson Pitch, All Day Sucker
Show 230 Video
Includes 230 Q-shows, Semis and Finals – ft. Twaang, Philos, Beckon Q, Keegan Smith & The Fam, Underwhelmed, Chix 6, Lee Whittaker, Two Seconds Away, Ribkat and JosyB, Derek Stroker, Midori & Audioclique
Show 229 Video
Includes 229 Q-shows, Semis and Finals – ft. Red Goodbye, Venice Maki, Tha Final Chapter, Underwhelmed, Keegan Smith & The Fam, Lee Whittaker, Underwhelmed, Ray Scott Pardue, JosyB, Beckon Q, Will Champlin, Kelly Pettit, Jason Adamo
Show 228 Video
Includes 228 Q-shows, Semis and Finals – ft. Prairie Dance Club, Natalie Semkiw, Red Goodbyes, Lourds, Beta Rays, Beckon Q, Chix 6, Ray Scott Pardue, Midori & Audioclique, All Day Sucker, Will Champlin, Clint Crisher
Show 227 Video
Includes 227 Q-shows, Semis and Finals – ft. Beckon Q, Alyshen, Chix 6, Christopher Hamilton, Natalie Semkiq, Alex Calise, Jason Zerbin, All Day Sucker, Jason Adamo, Will Champlin, JosyB, Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Ray Scott Pardue, Edian
Show 226 Video
Includes 226 Q-shows, Semifinals and Finals – fun-filled show featuring Venice Maki, Jason Adamo, Red Goodbye, Heather Wiggins, Will Champlin, Highlines, Oliver Pigott, Tha Final Chapter, Lourds, Ray Scott Pardue
Show 225 Video
Includes: 225 Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals – featuring Red Goodbyes, Jason Zerbin, Christopher Hamilton, Highlines, Loevee Cole, Automatic Static, Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Midori & Audioclique, Roy Scott Pardue, All Day Sucker
Show 224 Videos
Includes: 224 Q-shows, Semifinals and Finals – ft. Jelly’s Last Jam, Christopher Scott Hamilton, Jason Zerbin, Midori & Audioclique, Edian, Lourds, Derek Stroker, HeavyLeftHand, All Day Sucker, The Sanderson Pitch, JosyB, After the Ice
Show 223 Videos
Includes: 223 Q-shows, Semifinals and Finals – ft. Amore Raine, Ray Scott Pardue, Full Turnout, Richard O’Brien, Edian, Midori & Audioclique, The Sanderson Pitch, JosyB, Twelve34, Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Derek Stroker, Terry Thomas
Show 222 Videos
Includes 222 Semifinals and Finals – ft. HeavyLeftHand, All Day Sucker, JosyB, The Sanderson Pitch, Maya Azucena, Derek Stroker, Terry Thomas, Sunset Slim