This INTERNAL blog is for our artists, their families and friends as well as the SIS school staff. Here we share not only our ongoing recordings with you, but also the SIMA plans and our more general thoughts. NOTE: If you wish to share some of the songs you find here, make sure you read the bottom of the song page to be sure it’s OK. Have fun!
The Vocal Weekend Wrap-Up

The Vocal Weekend Wrap-Up

The SIMA Vocal Weekend has now come to an end – and it was a whole lot of fun for all concerned. Here’s the wrap-up.

El Cañuelo 2014 Results

El Cañuelo 2014 Results

El Cañuelo is an annual songwriting event organized by SIS for its students. I was invited to help out and at the end decided to offer the students some prizes…

Young Artist Development Here At MMI

Young Artist Development Here At MMI

Ever so slightly off-(usual)-topic, this brief video shows some of the work we've done with very young artists. See what you think. Samples included in this samples: M'Pressive (11-13) - "New Best Friend" (Power-Pop/Rock) Jake...

Do artists have it better today?

Do artists have it better today?

Here we go with video #3. Complete with transcript below. [youtube iOM0h_xPN5k] Musician's Chances - Then vs Now   A friend of mine, a professional musician and a producer of many years, wrote to me the other day, and one of the things he said wound up...

What If Someone Stole Your Song?

What If Someone Stole Your Song?

This my second video in what looks like it might become a series... This one, too, has been written after receiving an email from someone with this very question. See what you think: [youtube OO5YiRGVl8U] Transcript: I just got an email asking: What would you do if...

Does Music Piracy Harm The Music Business?

Does Music Piracy Harm The Music Business?

Today I started a new video series which I aim to update on a regular basis. Kicking off with my take on the music piracy and how it affects the music business. You may be surprised by my conclusions. Complete with a small rant, here it is: [youtube 1otaIZWwv70]...

OMBC Soft Launch!

OMBC Soft Launch!

Yesterday we did a "soft launch" for the Online Music Business Crusher, inviting only a relatively small group of former Fame Games insiders and supporters. We'll give it about 2-3 weeks to accommodate all the feedback - and then we'll try to roll this thing out to...

Crusher Overview

Crusher Overview

The Online Music Business Crusher CONTENTS, Book 1: Introduction Title Description Includes 1 How Is This Course Organized About this course and it's three major parts. 2 Foreword Background information for how this course was inspired. 3 Why I Created This Course...

B3-CH59 – Selected Resources

B3-CH59 – Selected Resources

[emember_protected for=4-5] Selected Resources I’ve organized the various links in two broad groups, “general” and “music”. While there’s lots of overlap...

B3-CH58 – Final Notes

B3-CH58 – Final Notes

I hope you enjoyed this course and found it motivating and illuminating. I realize fully that it’s a BIGGIE!  Just going through everything took me many weeks, never mind creating or sourcing the required materials. [emember_protected...

B3-CH55 – Scaling Up

B3-CH55 – Scaling Up

Say, you spend $200 on an ad on a particular network and you wind up making 200% in profit. The natural temptation at this point to scale up immediately. we’ve even seen marketing courses which advise you to do just that! But do this at your peril....

B3-CH54 – Maintenance and Site Management

B3-CH54 – Maintenance and Site Management

Once your site has hit its stride, you will need to maintain and manage it at the lowest possible cost without sacrificing quality. [emember_protected for=4-5] You will also need to remain vigilant and monitor all your business drivers to ensure that all your current...

B3-CH53 – The Importance Of Monitoring

B3-CH53 – The Importance Of Monitoring

To monitor your site, you should use Google Analytics, your site log (typically via something like AWstats – your host will provide that, and it’s included in the cPanel as well) and, most importantly, an ad tracker. While you can...

B3-CH48 – Interconnecting Everything

B3-CH48 – Interconnecting Everything

At this point you have all the fundamental elements of your online business in place. You have created a solid plan and backed it up by research. You’ve built a great little Wordpress site and filled it with valuable content. You’ve...

B3-CH47 – The Holy Grail: Optins and Conversions

B3-CH47 – The Holy Grail: Optins and Conversions

When someone opts into your form, be it in order to receive your latest single, a free report, or sign up to your newsletter – you hope that the reason why they did it is to form some kind of a relationship with you. Put in a different way, you hope...

B3-CH44 – A Few More Words About Squeeze Pages

B3-CH44 – A Few More Words About Squeeze Pages

We have already covered what squeeze pages are and their role in helping you generate incomes online. But let’s quickly review and look at some of their most important aspects. [emember_protected for=4-5] Think of a squeeze page as a kind of a...

B3-CH43 – Landers

B3-CH43 – Landers

Generally speaking, a “landing page” (or a “lander” for short) is ANY place where a visitor lands on your side. It can be your original squeeze page which you promoted, your special information...

B3-CH40 – Selling Products You Fully Own

B3-CH40 – Selling Products You Fully Own

As an artist, this one is pretty easy for you. You already HAVE a product you fully own: your music. The only thing is, is that selling independent music (without the backing of the major-label hype machine) can be very slow going. THAT is why you need to supplement...

B3-CH36 – What Is Your Product

B3-CH36 – What Is Your Product

Let’s loosely define your “product” as “whatever it is that will monetize your website”. Your music perhaps. Your book. Your affiliate programs. Your ad space. Your services....

B3-CH35 – The Magic Of Multiple Income Streams

B3-CH35 – The Magic Of Multiple Income Streams

While you should start with just one product, once you’ve mastered your approach, you will soon want to expand beyond that and effectively creating multiple income streams. There are two levels on which you can multiply your income streams:...

B3-CH34 – Product Selection

B3-CH34 – Product Selection

Quite apart from any music-related products (your MP3s, merchandise, posters, etc) you will at one point want to expand your range. So let’s have a broad look at what your potential products can be and how to pick them. In general, your...

B3-CH32 – Test, Then Scale Up

B3-CH32 – Test, Then Scale Up

Regardless of which traffic source you ultimately choose, you need to test it, and if it works, scale it up at a pace you can sustain (while always continually monitoring). [emember_protected for=4-5] A test phase, where you spend the least amount possible per traffic...

B3-CH31 – What Kind of Ads Should You Use?

B3-CH31 – What Kind of Ads Should You Use?

Some networks restrict you to only one or two different ad types, others have almost no limits. Ultimately, you need to decide which type of ad works best for YOU.  Is it a text-only ad, a hybrid text-and-image ad, an image ad? Is it an email? Or should it...

B3-CH30 – Choosing The Serving/Payment Model

B3-CH30 – Choosing The Serving/Payment Model

When you pay for traffic, you either pay for the exposure of your ads without a guarantee that anyone will click – only that they will SEE your ad – or you pay per guaranteed click, regardless of how many times the ad is shown. This...

B3-CH28 – Calculation Considerations

B3-CH28 – Calculation Considerations

Before we get into a few more concrete examples, here is some more general knowledge for you. When you first start buying traffic, keep the following broad assumptions in mind, using an example of purchasing, say, 10,000 clicks from an ad network....

B3-CH27 – The Magic of Paid Traffic

B3-CH27 – The Magic of Paid Traffic

When you have your next album ready, or when you simply want to run a promotion on a particular item that you’re promoting, you will want to achieve results as fast as possible and then move on to the next thing. If you’re already...

B3-CH26 – Getting Ready To Promote

B3-CH26 – Getting Ready To Promote

All that work we’ve done thus far would come to nothing – in commercial terms at least - if we didn’t take it to the next level: let everyone know. There are millions of absolutely phenomenal sites that...

B3-CH23 – The Look of Your Artist’s Website

B3-CH23 – The Look of Your Artist’s Website

One of the beauties of Wordpress is that there is virtually no limit to how you can customize it or how it can look to the visitor. Apart from that, there are thousands of “themes” or templates available, both free and paid, with...

B3-CH21 – Creating Videos

B3-CH21 – Creating Videos

Increasingly, creating videos is not merely an “option” – it’s virtually a “must.” Especially if you’re an artist. There are estimates which...

B3-CH20 – Writing Your Blog and Articles

B3-CH20 – Writing Your Blog and Articles

When writing your articles (or commissioning them from outsourced writers), keep just two broad things in mind: style and substance. Substance is what it’s all about. But having interesting content written in an incomprehensible or un-engaging way is...

B3-CH18 – Developing Content For Your Site

B3-CH18 – Developing Content For Your Site

There is NOTHING more important on your site than content. Not just music – but also videos and WRITTEN content. More often than not, the difference between a successful site and a failure is the quality of their content. If you’ve...

B3-CH16 – Subscriptions and Essential Services

B3-CH16 – Subscriptions and Essential Services

There are a few other things you need to do, in order to be fully prepared. They include the following: [emember_protected for=4-5] Setting up a PayPal account. This one’s FREE. Signing up to an automated social bookmarking service like OnlyWire or...

B3-CH15 – Setting Up Social Accounts

B3-CH15 – Setting Up Social Accounts

If you don’t already have your social accounts (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc) now is a good time to create them – why not! You CAN put that off till later, but you will find that doing this already at this early stage will make...

B3-CH12 – On-Page Optimization

B3-CH12 – On-Page Optimization

To understand what on-page SEO is all about you first need to have at least a rough idea of how a search engine (e.g. Google) works. So let’s understand how Google works first. Google’s primary stated mission is to serve the...

B3-CH10 – More About Your Competition

B3-CH10 – More About Your Competition

Whether you’re researching competition for a product you want to promote or simply to see how much effort you need to put into your site in order to dominate your particular music niche in web searches, the process is pretty much exactly the same. So...

B3-CH07 – Researching Keywords

B3-CH07 – Researching Keywords

Let’s look at something now which is – by far – the most important aspect of setting up your site correctly: keyword research. If you want to be stumbled-upon by Internet users (as opposed to visited by those who...

B3-CH06 – Configuring Your Site

B3-CH06 – Configuring Your Site

You should now be able to see your site, LIVE, simply by typing its URL into your browser’s address bar. But… it will look kinda boring and plain. Not to worry. This is just the default Wordpress installation and...

B3-CH05 – Setting Up WordPress On Your Site

B3-CH05 – Setting Up WordPress On Your Site

You may now upload your site to your FTP account, if you use a standard HTML editor, but as I indicated earlier, I would strongly recommend that you consider installing Wordpress instead. There are MANY reasons why this is THE #1 best solution for just about all...


March 2025


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