Hello M4’s!

Not having heard your feedback/input/suggestions/ideas for the production of “Sea Mediterranean”, I finally had to get started on it as my planned workload doesn’t permit me to wait much longer. Let’s hope the final result won’t disappoint too much. (See THIS PAGE for how it all started)

Over the days since I’ve started on this, I had a bunch of alternative ideas for how I should produce this. In the end I settled on something which I now think is probably not the “ideal” direction after all. But possibly not the worst direction either. That’s what can sometimes happen when you work in a vacuum and there are lots of other distractions taking your eye off the ball. Were I to do this again, and with your feedback, I would probably develop this track in a more “EDM” or maybe even “Future Bass” direction. Either that, or go all out into jazz-rock fusion. LOL 🙂

Before you listen to the mixes below, make sure you watch the video FIRST. I refer to the different mixes in the video.

[youtube ozJWD6Fkxcw]

Here’s what the original version sounded like:

Sea Mediterranean

Now, this is the first re-arrangement (discussed in part 2 in the video), but with the vocals are NOT mixed, just “roughly placed” and mixed very low.

Sea Mediterranean re-arr idea1

Finally, this is how far I got. I think I’ll leave it at this, in the hope that it will have given you some inspiration for your future music projects.

Sea Mediterranean pre-prod mix

If you’d like to work some more on this or any other song – original or cover, or anything in-between, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and we’ll try to find some time for you. You can find out more about all we do here at SIMA, right here on this site – or just send me an email to SISmusic@sis.gl.

cheers 🙂 Paul