Juana Machado
(Internal Page)
Juana Machado (10)
Landslide (Fleetwood Mac cover)
Copyright: Stevie Nicks
Latest mix, recorded on: August 21, 2015:
[youtube ]
- Lead vocal: Juana Machado
- Production: Paul S
- Instrumentation, arrangement: backing track (generic source)
- Latest status: test mix
- Production notes:
- Mix download link: https://meermusic.com/rc2015/JuanaMachado-Landslide-CoverMix01.mp3
- (To save on your computer: right-click on any blue hyperlink, then select “Save As”)
- I really enjoyed Juana’s demeanor during her studio sessions with me – and her taste in music. She picked a difficult song, especially for someone so young. While still not totally developed vocally, Juana already shows a lot of potential, starting with a very characteristic tone in her voice, which could one day become her trademark. This combined with the fact that she looks fabulous makes a future star-in-the-making. Definitely worth developing further and I hope she does just that. Well done Juana!