ELLIE GONZALVEZ (14) cd-ellie

Rob Davis is frequently rated as one of the world’s most successful songwriters, with hits such as ‘Cant’ Get You Outta My Hear’, ‘Toca’s Miracle’, ‘Down Boy’ or ‘If This Ain’t Love’ – and as he’s a very good friend of the house, it wasn’t long before he ‘discovered’ Ellie. He soon started requesting that she do his songs for him, and here’s one of them. See what you think.

FACES (original) Up-tempo CHILLOUT/POP

Mix Date: Jul 15, 2015
Copyright: Rob Davis
Publisher: DJL Music
Lead Vocals: Ellie Gonzalvez
Backing Vocals: Ellie Gonzalvez
Track: MMI Studios
Produced by: Paul Sedkowski

Please feel free to share with us your constructive criticisms and comments. Also, if you have the artist’s permission, share the song with your friends on your social media! Thanks 🙂