Daniela Caravante
(Internal Page)
Daniela Caravante (9)
Don’t Know Why (Norah Jones cover)
Copyright:Jesse Harris
Latest mix, recorded on: August 21, 2015:
[youtube ]
- Lead vocal: Daniela Caravante
- Production: Paul S
- Instrumentation, arrangement: backing track (generic source)
- Latest status: test mix
- Production notes:
- Mix download link: https://meermusic.com/rc2015/DanielaCaravante-DontKnowWhy-CoverMix01.mp3
- (To save on your computer: right-click on any blue hyperlink, then select “Save As”)
- I absolutely loved how focused and calm Daniela was throughout her recording sessions. She’s got a delicate and really appealing vocal, and a great ear for music. And she’s really feeling the subtleties of music, which the vast majority of kids her age simply don’t. Her recording sessions with me during RockCamp2015 were among the smoothest, with the fewest errors. It was, simply put, a pleasure to record her. I have no doubt that she will benefit greatly if she further continues her musical development. She’s got the potential of becoming a real “killer”! Well done Daniela!