It’s a Kind of Magic From Garry Bean

It’s a Kind of Magic From Garry Bean

The latest arrival in my inbox is from Garry Bean, whose music you can check out right here: [youtube -x8fGwfTcEU] Make sure to follow the related links on YouTube to check out some of his other material, or just go straight here...
The Latest Tour de Force from Jason Adamo

The Latest Tour de Force from Jason Adamo

Jason Adamo is a most familiar figure to regular listeners of Fame Games, not just because of his distinctive voice but also beautiful and powerful arrangements which don’t merely “sound great” but also can invariably be used as an object lesson in...
Reviewing Ray Jozwiak

Reviewing Ray Jozwiak

Ever since Fame Games got put on hold, I frequently get asked to do music reviews for artists. When I agree, I typically email them my notes and that’s that. But recently I’ve received a few dozen such requests within the space of a few days – some...