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Selected Resources

I’ve organized the various links in two broad groups, “general” and “music”. While there’s lots of overlap between them, the “music” ones are sites specifically centered on music, while the “general” ones are… well, for all purposes, general! For your convenience, all the blue underlined titles are live hyperlinks, so you can click through from here to check them out. By the way, where possible, I’ve sorted all the listings by their relative web popularity, using the latest “Alexa Ranks”. The higher up a listing is – the more popular it’s likely to be.

General: Planning and Research

When working on ideas for your site, some of the resources below may be very helpful, while others are essential.

Planning and Research In Brief
Google Places/Maps If you you’re based in a specific geographic location you simply “must” register it here.
Google AdWords Keyword Planner The most comprehensive free keyword research tool from the masters of search themselves.
Google Trends An easy to use keyword and niche analyzer tool.
WayBack Machine Wanna know what the given site looked like some time ago? This is the tool which will show you!
BuiltWith Find out what tools did your competitors use to build their site
SpyFu Detailed keyword and competition research tool.
Compete Research where are your competitors are getting their traffic
WhoIsHostingThis Find out who is hosting the site you’re investigating
WhatWPThemeIsThat Which WordPress theme is being used on the site you’re researching
SocialMention Who is talking about you – or any of your competitors!
Long Tail Pro Find profitable keywords fast On-demand business advice
Moat Reverse search for online ads. See what your competitors are doing
Website Watcher Monitor sites for any changes
WhosMailingWhat Direct email data library, superb for competition intelligence
IdeaOffer Get help developing your idea

And while we’re on the topic of general research and orientation, you might want to read the enclosed BONUS PDF eBook “The Best Internet Marketing Business Models (downloadable through this link on in your Member’s Area) which discusses the most popular ways in which people earn money online. Another BONUS enclosed here is a highly useful “Keyword Research Resource“, which you’ll be able to access through this link or through your Member’s Area. Finally, in the spirit of expanding your general knowledge about all things related to online marketing, I’ve attached another BONUS, “ IM Insights and Tips“ which I’ve written together with the renowned business coach, Charles Holland.

General: Tools and Resources

Some of the links below are extremely useful. Most are free, and the sooner you know about them the better!

Tools & Resources In Brief
Google Authorship Essential not only as a social network but also as a Google ranking boost
Google Calendar Plan and share your appointments
Mozilla Lightbeam Works with Firefox only, and shows you who’s tracking YOU online!
Dragon Dictation This allows you to convert your voice recording into written text! Just don’t forget to edit it afterwards
Domainsbot Site name ideas
BustaName Site name ideas
Total Commander Windows Explorer replacement, viewer and FTP client all rolled into one
PSD2HTML Convert your PSD designs to high quality, cross-browser compatible, valid XHTML / CSS markup.
Lean Domain Search Site name ideas
Impossibility Site name ideas
Coachtip Good advice and other resources
FileZilla The world’s leading FTP client
DomainR Site name ideas

General: Hosting

There are loads of good hosting companies, some more expensive some cheaper, some specializing in very specific types of hosting. The hosting company I use most often is HostGator, but the list below will show you many good alternatives. Whatever you do, DON’T go for hosts who don’t offer cPanel (like GoDaddy, who should just stick to domain sales!). It will make your life a lot easier!

Hosting In Brief A popular hosting solution
HostGator Probably the most popular host on the web
BlueHost Possibly the second most popular host
iPage A popular hosting solution
Network Solutions A popular hosting solution
HostMonster A popular hosting solution
JustHost A popular hosting solution
WP Engine Another excellent  large-project host
LiquidWeb Great host for larger projects
NetFirms A popular hosting solution
iPower A popular hosting solution
Webhosting Hub A popular hosting solution
Dotster A popular hosting solution
StartLogic A popular hosting solution
Dot5Hosting A popular hosting solution
eHost A popular hosting solution
PureHost A popular hosting solution
EntryHost A popular hosting solution

At this stage, it’s probably a good idea for you to consult a couple of additional resources I’ve provided for Full Crusher Course members. The first one is called “Web Hosting Explained“ (available through this link or via your Member’s Area). It’s a step-by-step instruction video about web hosting, plus a web page with more info. The second one is the “cPanel Instruction Course“, which contains 24 short step-by-step instruction videos for you, if you like to get deeper into understanding your site’s back-end.

NOTE: All “Full Crusher Course” resources are intended for you if you like to go “deeper”, but in the vast majority of cases sufficient basic concepts are covered within the main course.

General: Domain Registrars

When purchasing your domain name, you need to visit a “domain registrar”. While many hosting companies (and not only) also dabble with selling domain names, I recommend you go to specialists like NameCheap. The reason is simple: if your domain is registered with a stable and dedicated company, chances are minimal that they’ll go out of business any time soon, leaving you high and dry. Another reason: they usually offer the best support, rates and terms!

Domain Registrars In Brief
GoDaddy World-standard domain registrar
NameCheap Great domain registrar (cheap and reliable). RECOMMENDED. A popular domain registrar
ResellerClub A popular domain registrar
Register A popular domain registrar
Domain A popular domain registrar
Moniker A popular domain registrar A popular domain registrar
HostWay A popular domain registrar
NameStation Get people to help you come up with names for your site
OnlineNic A popular domain registrar
DomainSite A popular domain registrar
FXDomains A popular domain registrar A popular domain registrar
Gandi A popular domain registrar
MadDog A popular domain registrar
YahooDomains A popular domain registrar
ResellOne A popular domain registrar

General: Site Monitoring

Once your site is up and running, and indeed even before – when you’re researching your competition, etc – it’s a good idea to get into the habit of monitoring everything. The classic solution is to run everything through Google Analytics, but there are more options, some of which are easier to understand and use than GA. This said, Google Analytics should ALWAYS be used, regardless of what type of site you’ve going to be building.

Here are some of the best and easiest tools to help you with monitoring. There’s many more, of course, but these are the ones I use regularly.

Site Monitoring In Brief
Google Analytics Site usage statistics
Google Webmaster Tools Essential monitoring and diagnostics for your site
SEMRush Which keywords send your competitors the most traffic?
Alexa Global site rank as well as broad demographic info
Quantcast Superb demographic research of all major (and registered) sites
SEO Quake Browser plugin which helps you see lots of important statistical details about the sites you visit or query

General: Web Search

Most people only ever use Google Search. But there’s more to life than that! I’m now using StartPage more and more. While they use Google for all their searches, they do not store ANY cookies or browsing data, i.e. all your searching remains private. Not that I have anything to hide, but I also like my privacy!

Apart from that, you’ll find that the other search engines come up with sometimes diametrically DIFFERENT results! When researching any topic, I strongly recommend using the same search keywords on different engines – you’ll find the best cross-section of articles, sites and resources that way, making your research on just about any subject that much more comprehensive.

Web Search In Brief
Google Search The world’s #1 search engine, hardly needs any introduction.
Yahoo The second largest search engine, albeit tiny by comparison to Google, still very useful in many areas.
Bing The world’s #3 search engine, formerly known as MSN – still has plenty of uses so don’t discard it in your research.
Ask A popular alternative to Google
AOL Search A popular alternative to Google
MyWebSearch A popular alternative to Google
WebCrawler A popular alternative to Google
DuckDuckGo A popular alternative to Google
Wow A popular alternative to Google
InfoSpace A popular alternative to Google
Info A popular alternative to Google
Dogpile A popular alternative to Google
StartPage Highly recommended. Same as Google but without the snooping!
Webopedia A popular alternative to Google
Blekko A popular alternative to Google
Contenko A popular alternative to Google
Alhea A popular alternative to Google
Mahalo A popular alternative to Google
Yippy A popular alternative to Google

General: Turnkey Websites

Throughout this course I do NOT recommend that you use any of the “turnkey” systems you see so much of on the web and even advertised on TV. Not because they’re bad, but because they’re generally not powerful or flexible enough in the long run.  So, their early convenience will come at a price further down the line.

Still, in fairness to you, here’s a list of some of the best turnkey solutions for you to at least be familiar with.

After that, I recommend you skip all of them and go straight for the self-hosted WordPress solution, as recommended throughout this course.

Turnkey Websites In Brief
Bandzoogle band website platform

At this point here are two additional BONUS resources for you: “Website Templates“, which contains over 700 landing page templates ready for you to modify and use – and “Your Graphics Library“ with hundreds of downloadable files in ZIP format.

The purpose of these materials is not only to give you more do-it-yourself options but also for you to be able to quickly be able to add ready-made elements to your site, be it WordPress or anything else you may have opted for. And when you get to creating special-purpose landing pages and the like, these resources will come very handy indeed.

General: WordPress and Related

Below, you’ll find only a tiny selection of WordPress-related links – primarily the best plugins which I use myself, and also one or two theme suppliers. Additionally, the links to the two major WordPress platforms: the self-hosted one (.ORG) and the publicly hosted and free (.COM).

You should NOT use the .com WordPress for building your site. You SHOULD be a member of the social network and have a basic presence there, but NOT your main site.

You want to have full control of everything and a public solution like this will never quite give you that. Follow the course instructions for how to do this quickly and easily. Also, keep in mind that Googling “Wordpress plugins” or “Wordpress themes” will give you millions more links. But start with the ones below:

WordPress & Related In Brief
WordPress COM Important to sign up to as a social network, but to build your own site, we recommend a self-hosted solution
WordPress ORG Self-hosted WordPress (recommended), The world’s leading sit building platform
Akismet Helps to protect you from comment spam.
All-In-One Favicon Easily edit your Favicon
Broken Link Checker Just as the name says: an essential tool
Contextual Related Posts Automatically create internal links on your site
Digg Digg An excellent social sharing plugin
Disqus The best comment management system around
Facebook Comments Allows Facebook users to more easily comment on your blog
Facebook Like
Fast Secure Contact Form Highly customizable contact form
Feedburner Plugin Manage all your feeds through Feedburner
GD Press Tools
Google Analyticator Manage Google Analytics the easy way
Google Analytics for WordPress Monitor your site popularity daily
Google XML Sitemaps Help the search engines index your site correctly.
Automatically alert your social accounts
PrettyLink Lite Cloak your affiliate and other links and monitor them
Simple CAPTCHA Additional anti-spam protection, particularly for online forms
Subscribe to Comments Reloaded A great way to quietly build a list
Thank Me Later Thank your commenters automatically
TinyMCE Advanced A handy expansion of basic WordPress functionality
W3 Total Cache Speed up your  WordPress site
Wassup Real-time Aanlytics See who’s visiting your site, in real time
Wordfence Security Protect your asset
WordPress Editorial Calendar Plan your article launches
WordPress Stats Like the Analyticator but even more powerful
WP Realtime Sitemap
WP Super Cache A great way to speed your site up
Yoast SEO The best SEO plugin for WordPress, bar none.
WP Duplicate Content Cure If you outsource article writing, this tool will be very useful to you
PopUpDomination Manages pop up ads for you
Welcome Gate Huge opt-in boost

At this point, if you’re a Full Crusher Course member, it might make sense for you to learn WordPress more in-depth.

I have thus provided you with a great “WordPress Course“, which is a set of 13 step-by-step instruction videos designed for beginners who just want to know all the most important basics, and see someone show you everything on the screen.

While WordPress is very intuitive and easy, it still makes sense to at least watch these videos because they’ll cut down your learning time very considerably.

General: Cloud Storage and Streaming

If/when your site becomes very popular, you will want to consider connecting it to a more efficient storage (for music, videos and any other bandwidth-sucking media). Here are some of the most popular choices in that regard:

Cloud Storage & Streaming In Brief
Amazon S3 Amazon’s cloud hosting for your videos
DropBox Good cloud storage site
Box Good cloud storage site
GrooveShark Good cloud storage site, especially for musicians
MyPCBackup Good cloud storage site
JustCloud Good cloud storage site
SugarSync Good cloud storage site
Mozy Good cloud storage site
Indie Shuffle Music streaming
CrashPlan Good cloud storage site
ZipCloud Good cloud storage site
BackupGenie Good cloud storage site
Radio Reddit Music streaming
Indie Rock Café Music streaming
SOS Good cloud storage site

General: Ad Trackers

When running your site, it’s a good idea to know everything you can about how well the individual pages perform (in terms of visits, conversions, etc), be they your regular blog pages or dedicated promotional ones. Whether you’re generating your traffic through organic or paid sources – especially when you’re paying for it – you NEED to know. So here are some very useful “ad trackers” (they don’t just track “ads” of course) for you to consider:

Ad Trackers In Brief
Hypertracker An excellent ad tracker (I use this one)
AdMinder Great ad tracker
AdWatcher Another ad tracker
AdTrackZ Top ad tracker
Click/Counter Tracker Top ad tracker
ProAnalyzer Another ad tracker
ezTrackZ Another ad tracker
LinkTrack Great ad tracker
ClickAnalyzer Another ad tracker
Dynatracker Another ad tracker
GoToProduct Another ad tracker
KaizenTrack Another ad tracker

General: Autoresponders

The most fundamental aspect of your entire online business experience is your ability to develop a relationship with your visitors. You do this in many ways (all described within this course), and the one thing that they all have in common is that they rely on what is known as “the list”. That’s a list of people who are your members, i.e. either your fans, prospects or customers.

While there are many ways to build and manage a list, you really can’t do this RIGHT without a dedicated tool like an “autoresponder”. Here are some of the most popular ones for you to consider:

Autoresponders In Brief
aWeber The world’s leading autoresponder service with the highest deliverability rate (I use this one)
MailChimp Great autoresponder
ConstantContact Great autoresponder
InfusionSoft Great autoresponder
GetResponse Another good autoresponder
iContact Great autoresponder
Campaign Monitor Another good autoresponder
Office Autopilot Another good autoresponder
AWProTools Further enhance aWeber’s already superb functionality
AddressTwo Great autoresponder
Autoresponse Plus Another good autoresponder
OneClickTool Automatically adds your webinar participants to your aWeber list

If you’re a Full Crusher Course member, here are a few additional resources for you. The first on is “Autoresponder Basics“, a set of five step-by-step instruction videos. Next, you’ll do well to read up some more and to watch “Funnel Mastery” – another set of five step-by-step instruction videos and a PDF eBook. Then, consider watching the “List Building Guide“ which contains 11 step-by-step instruction videos. Finally, to give you just about “all” you need to know about this subject, check out “Optin List Mastery Course“, a 5-video step-by-step instruction course, along with two PDF eBooks. Did I mention that this is a very comprehensive and HUGE course…? 🙂

General: Payment Processors and Membership Systems

Another indispensable thing or two you must have is a payment processor and a member management system. While autoresponders manage your LIST, it’s not quite the same as managing your members’ access, transactions, affiliate fees, and so on. The systems below do that and more.

Payment/Member Systems In Brief
PayPal The indispensable payment processor
InfusionSoft Another good autoresponder, shopping cart and membership management program
JVZoo Product marketplace and payment processor
Nanacast Another good one
Tips&Tricks eStore Another good one, very easy to use
1ShoppingCart Another good autoresponder, shopping cart and membership management program
DigiResults Another good one
Digital Product Delivery Another good one
TipsAndTricksHQ Simple and inexpensive but powerful member management and affiliate management solutions

Since PayPal is a fundamental service you simply “must” have, I have provided a few additional resources for Full Crusher Course members. Among them is the ”PayPal User’s Guide“, which is just a web page in your member’s area, and another is “PayPal SandBox Tutorial“ which is a 4-video step-by-step instruction for how to test your PayPal (particularly important if you don’t have one of the above member management programs, most of which help you manage PayPal without the need of getting down and dirty!). I also thought it would be a good idea to, at this point, provide you with a “Membership Resources and Course“. This consists of two video sub-courses, one in 4 parts, the other in 10 parts – plus a technical analysis of many of the most popular membership programs.

General: Audio/Video Tools

While everyone doing any kind of business or promotions online can benefit from audio and video, for musicians and artists this is simply a must.

While you may already have good tools for this, here are some of the most affordable options for you (including some free ones too):

Audio/Video Tools In Brief
Windows Movie Maker Free alternative for video production, PC
iMovie Free alternative for video production, Mac
Audacity Free program which allows you to record your voice
Camtasia Studio Super easy video editor for beginners. The most popular video program online (use ScreenFlow if you’re on the Mac)
Wistia Host and create your videos then analyze their usage. Superb tool
Easy Video Suite A superb program for all your video creation and marketing needs. Great for beginners, but also very useful for most advanced users
Audio Acrobat Create and broadcast on-demand audio and video

If you’re a Full Crusher Course member, it may be a good idea for you now to consider the attached “Video Marketing Course” – a 21-vide step-by-step instruction  and a PDF eBook as well as a video marketing article pack. Also, a BONUS for everyone: “Video Networks“, a web page with more links, accessible from within your Member’s Area.

Music: Music Production

For those of you interested in music production, it’s a very good idea to follow at least some of the sites and resources below:

Music Production In Brief
Home Recording
KVR Audio
Studio Central

General: Content

Content development is one of the lifelines of your online business. You simply can not succeed without it. The links below include sites which are great for content research, as well as sites where you can promote your content as well, or find people who can help you develop it for you.

Content In Brief
Yahoo! Contributor Network Great content site
About Great content site
eHoe Great content site Great for content IDEAS and discovering influencers in the various niches)
Sponsored Reviews Great content site
Digital Journal Great content site
Epinions Great content site
Triond Great content site
Demand Media Great content site
Constant Content Great content site
ContentBlvd Great content site
Bukisa Great content site
Wizzley Great content site
Xomba Great content site
Blogging Great content site
ContentGems A great place for finding and sharing content
Helium Great content site
Zujava Great content site
Article Teller Great content site
Content Row Great content site

Written content – actually, ANY kind of content – is inextricably linked to SEO. If you write your content without considering a few simple “tricks” for how the search engines will see it, you’re potentially undermining your entire online effort.

With this in mind, if you’re a Full Crusher Course member, I provided a few additional resources, which include “SEO Tips“ a useful PDF eBook; then another eBook which has been written about a system I developed a couple of years ago, called SEOlater, “Site Optimization Guide“. Next, I enclosed “Google Basics“ a 15-vide step-by-step instruction set and a PDF eBook covering many aspects of Google’s tools, services and networks. Finally, I also attach a BONUS page for everyone, with more eBook and Writing Networks.

Music: Music Reviews

Getting your music reviewed is KEY – not only because more fans can learn about it, but also – critically – because it’s extremely useful in SEO terms. For this reason, no music business course would be complete without a list of a bunch of great music review resources:

Music Reviews In Brief
Organ Art Organ Magazine Organart is the home of a constantly updated alternative, rock, heavy metal, punk, indie, hardcore, progressive, psychedelic, pop rock music zine as well a source of alternative music news and the home of org records. Well worth a visit 🙂
Pitchfork Media Pitchfork is a website dedicated to music and the discussion thereof.
Parx-E Parx-e Web Zine friendly site eZine that will give you a Band Review
The Mag The Mag an unsigned and independent music Magazine. A good place for reviews.
Club Knowledge clubknowledge create an “interview” for your Website.
Toxic Pete Toxic Pete “unbiased and constructive music reviews from a lover of all things musical”. That’s what he says and it’s true.
BlabNow Album Reviews, Music Industry Commentary and New Singles Roundup blog
Losing Today LOSINGTODAY Indie Music Magazine.

Music: Music Submissions

It’s one of those things artists do regularly: submit their best music for consideration for various “opportunities” – film, ads, covers, etc.

A number of music sites provide this service, chief among them being Taxi and Music Xray. But they’re by no means the only ones and if you submit your work anywhere, you should at least consider many of the others:

Music Submissions In Brief
Taxi Taxi is probably the largest and most popular premium song submission service.
Music X-Ray This is one of the most dynamic and popular music resource sites on the web today, and they also provide regular placement opportunities. It’s a must-have in terms of signing up there.
BroadJam offers an ‘opportunities’ service for $5-$10 per sbmission depending on what type a paid account you have a broadjam member to enter opportunities. sign up today. you’ll also get other services designed to help independent musicians like you, promote themselves.
Music Loops Our site where you can submit a demo. No fees to join. Price your own tracks, lots of sales, with 50% of the price goes to the composer.
YouLicense direct job opportunities are available here
Artist PR
Music Dealers A new site where you can upload and create a profile and the people at music dealers pitch your tracks to potential clients.
Pump Audio There is no submission fee. If your music is not used, you lose nothing. You will receive 50% of the license fees we receive for your music. Pump’s deal is completely non-exclusive. Our deal will never prevent you from working with anyone else.
Film Music Paid monthly subscription to submit music to be considered. Immediate Access to our Film/TV Music Jobs Database. Access to Film Music Network Live! 24 hr/day streaming audio of Film Music Network events. Immediate Access to our Film & TV Music Salary & Rate Survey. Full benefits and discounts at all participating Film Music Network Vendor Partners.
SoundReef Swap music for promotion? Not sure what that means but worth investigating.
Radio Submit
StudentFilms Jobs posted for composers and composer submitting their resumes and profiles. Free to register. Lots of posts like ‘Composer Needed’ and ‘Composer Available’.
Music Gorilla
Indie Music Business
Minimum Noise A new site with all kinds of projects for “crowdsourcing musicians”.
The Composers Collective The Composer Collective is comprised of cinematic composers dedicated to creating dramatic scores of the highest quality for film, television, interactive and commercial media. We group composers into innovative and productive workforces, giving the film industry a much-needed resource for intelligent music at never-before-seen productivity levels. This service is known as TeamScoreâ„¢. Choosing TeamScoreâ„¢ puts you on the front lines of the film business as it changes and adapts rapidly to the demands of distributors and consumers worldwide.
Humtoo A global meeting place for music makers and content creators. This site is pretty cool as it is free to signup and submit your music to videos and project descriptions.
Feature Sounds
JestSet Sound

General: Crowd Funding

While I generally prefer self-funding to reliance on outside help, I do understand that it can sometimes be quite impossible to get the show off the ground without at least some assistance. So, rather than looking for individual “angel investors,” here are some popular “crowd funding” alternatives. Just remember that you need to have a solid plan for any of this to work (see the main course for much more on this).

Crowd Funding In Brief Popular crowd-funding site
Kickstarter Possibly the best crowd-funding site
IndieGoGo Popular crowd-funding site
GoFundMe Popular crowd-funding site
Quirky Popular crowd-funding site
CrowdRise Popular crowd-funding site
PledgeMusic Popular crowd-funding site, particularly for musicians
Razoo Popular crowd-funding site
CrowdFunder Popular crowd-funding site
RocketHub Popular crowd-funding site
AppBackr Popular crowd-funding site
PeerBackers Popular crowd-funding site
SellaBand Popular crowd-funding site, particularly for musicians
SomoLend Popular crowd-funding site
ThePoint Popular crowd-funding site, can do conditional pledges
AngelList Popular crowd-funding site

General: Major Social Networks

Taking part in social networks is no longer an “option”. It’s a must, particularly for artists wishing to promote their music and building their fan base.

I selected the “major” networks below not only basing on their massive popularity but also with mind to their utility as “traffic-getters”. Hence, alongside the obvious ones like YouTube or Facebook, you’ll see the slightly surprising “PlentyOfFish” (a dating network). Why? Simply because this and other such networks provide you with access to highly segmented demographics where you can promote to sub-sub-niches with laser precision.

Major Social Networks In Brief
Google Plus
Facebook Major social network
YouTube YouTube share your videos with fans, friends and family. The most important social site for an independent artist.
Twitter You have 140 characters to tell the world what you’re about, what is on your mind or where your next show is going to be
LinkedIn Major social business network
Pinterest Major social network
Instagram Share pictures
PlentyOfFish Dating network, excellent for traffic targeting

These are only the “majors”. Many more hugely influential networks below. But first, I felt you might want to go a little deeper into some of the big guns, most specifically from the point of view of paid promotions. And so, for the Full Crusher Course members, there’s the “Facebook Mastery“, a 33-video step-by-step instruction course, as well as “AdWords Mastery“ a 10-video step-by-step course and PDF eBook crucial for promoting not only on Google but beyond as well. Finally, I though this would also be a good time for you to have a look at how you can use the web to conduct local promotions – and with that in mind, check out the “Local market domination“ which is a 10-video step-by-step instruction course dealing with just that.

Music: Social Networks

Joining social networks, creating profiles on them (very important for SEO) is just one of the things you do once you decide to build and online business. The extra reach that this allows you can be invaluable. The relatively minor effort of creating accounts (which can be automated and/or outsourced) is easily offset by both the SEO benefits as well as the simple fact that with each account you’re potentially increasing your audience and its access to your work. While I don’t advocate signing up to “all” of these networks, many of the ones listed below are really VERY important for artists to be a part of. You decide which ones:

Music Social Networks In Brief
Apple Ping Ping Apple’s Ping network is like Facebook for iTunes, where you can follow artists and your friends to get new music recommendations and find out what your favorite musicians are up to. Simply “Follow” an artist to get their news updates, and find out what music they’re listening to at the moment. You can add posts to their profiles, or “Like” or comment on their posts (see, we told you it was like Facebook). The same goes for friends: follow their profile, view their music suggestions and post on their wall. As the service runs through the iTunes software, you can also access it through the iTunes apps on iDevices.
Channel 4 Music Channel 4 Music – actually, I don’t think one can create a profile anymore!
Mix Cloud
8Tracks 8 tracks dares you to tell us what kind of mood you’re in using only 8 tracks.
Eventful If you have an event, post it here and people will find you
BuzzNet is a social media music network where users can share content through profiles or messages. Buzznet is categorized by Music News, Photos, Galleries, Videos, Community, Artists, and Contests. Buzznet is a music, fashion and entertainment news website that hosts user-generated content. Readers vote for the favorite stories, which then become “Buzzworthy”. You can “like” and comment on other people’s news stories, and submit your own photos, videos, links, polls and blog posts. Users can also create their own groups, which act as forums.
FanBridge Mailing list that connects bands with their fans and even offers them deals for being members
Midomi Midomi is a music search engine tool that is powered by your voice. You can sing, hum, or whistle a song and your performance will be added to a database. After singing and recording a song online, the end result can be sent to friends and other Midomi users. Midomi sells full albums and individual tracks. Midomi is a network that makes it easy to discover new music and people. The cool thing is that you can search for music by singing or humming part of a song. All you need is a microphone and you will be able to connect to your favorite music, and to a community of people that share your musical interests. You can listen to other member’s voices, see pictures, rate singers, send messages and also buy music.
Kompoz Team up with other musicians both on and offline
GoGo Yoko is a music social network that has the ability to stream and share music. Music players can be customized. Artists can set the price of the music and they also get 100% of the profit. Gogoyoko is more of a social marketplace than a social network, but it’s a great way to stream music free online, and buy tracks straight from artists, without lining record companies’ pockets in the process. You can store purchased tracks on your Gogoyoko profile, or download them to your desktop or a device. Artists get full control over what they charge for their music on the site, and they get 100% of the profit from sold tracks, plus revenue from streaming too. Follow your favorite artists, leave comments on their profiles and connect with other people who share your taste in music.
TwitMusic An extension of Twitter specifically geared towards musical acts
Sell A Band is a music social network where artists can request fans to help fund a music project. You can choose to withdraw the money in between the time of the fund raising efforts up until the Target Budget is reached. Listening to music and browsing the website is free. Currently a Public Enemy rap album is being funded (Flava Flav’s band).  Sellaband is a music social network that turns the fans and listeners of bands into their producers, asking them to invest in a band or artist they support so that they will be able to get a recording opportunity. Every single investor that supports a successful band will take home a small cut of the profits made by them. Artists not only get financial support but also share 50% of the ad revenue coming from the free downloads of their music.
Internet DJ is an electronic music social network and forum. Other features include event information news, charts, a DJ database, and MP3 downloads. InternetDJ is a community for fans of electronic music. It’s a platform for people to listen to others’ tracks, find fellow musicians for collaboration, and share their own music with the general public. Artists can post their music for other members to rate and review, and the website has its own charts based on what people are listening to. As well as hosting a variety of electronic music, the website has its own blog, and a user message board.
QuarterLife is a medium-sized music social network that has show information, a My Studio section, Events, Groups, Chat, classifieds, etc.
Dope Tracks Hip-Hop/Rap based forum where atrists can join forces musically
A New Band a Day
JamGlue allows artists to upload music and get attention for upcoming releases. Artists can also build a remix contest campaign around their music. Fans can remix tracks through JamGlue.
Mint Music
HayStack Haystack is a social network centered around people who want to find music through friends and taste makers. You can browse music, pictures, videos and reviews of artists as well as build your own profile and personalize it with images and videos (you can even add them from YouTube). Artists are welcome to sign up directly or through their manager or their label.
Talent Com Media
Flotones is small music social network that shares revenue with indie artists. You can browse digital songs, ringtones, music blogs, albums, artists, and mobile wallpapers on the website.
MusoCity is a music social network where music fans, artists, and retailers can connect to each other. Indie artists can also add MP3s to the website. MusoCity is a music-oriented social network. It provides accounts specifically designed for music fans, artists, musicians, music retailers and music venues. MusoCity is completely free to join and you can start browsing members profiles to make friends, discovering new artists, getting in touch with musicians in your area and finding events and music stores near you.
The Indie Place
Hear The Indie
Share The Music is a website that hosts over 60,000 songs and acts as the middleman for people that want to share music. The service works in about seven different languages.
Yibster is a smaller music social network that has albums, videos, musician profiles, games, events, etc. Profiles can be customized similarly to MySpace layouts.
OurWave Each band and or artist gets their 15 minutes of fame with OurWave, they are able to use this site as a promotion tool by posting their music and announce upcoming shows
JamNow JamNow is a social network aimed at musicians that allows them to create audio content online in real-time. JamNow isn’t a site that simply makes you “post and listen” to audio content: its platform enables real-time music collaboration and lets you schedule live jam sessions and listen to musicians that are playing right in that moment.
Radio 2.0 mercora radio / a social network with an integrated free music listening service (that sustains itself through contextual music-centered ads), as well as a personal-webcasting platform. Mercora Radio 2.0 will search your hard disk for all the music tracks you have legally acquired and then you are ready to broadcast your own music library to the world. Each radio station has multiple channels and each DJ can also create his own playlists.
iJigg is a music social network where users can submit and rate music. After uploading music, you can embed it into your Facebook profile or blog. iJigg is a online community that lets you comment on music and share songs. You can rate music and influence what becomes popular, as well as upload your own music to share it with the community and make new fans. You will need to decide whether to open a “listener” or “artist” account, which will give you access to different features (e.g. listeners can download free mp3 of their favorite music, while artists can upload their own music).
Amie Street is an independent music download website where indie artists can sell their music and share revenue with the music social network. The community decides the price of the music based on the popularity. The more a song is download, the higher a price becomes. The top songs are sold for $0.98.
Indababa Music is community of artists to mingle and make music together by recording tracks online. One of their featured programs is a remix content for a Weezer song
May Contain Music is a small music social network that hosts music, event information, venue information, and videos. Flotones is a monetized social network for artists and their fans. The most interesting feature is the possibility to promote and distribute artist’s content via mobile phones (such as ringtones and mobile wallpapers). After you register and add your content, you’ll be able to promote your mobile content at your shows, on your website and on your MySpace profile. You’ll be asked to sign a contract before getting paid.
Nibi Mix
Sonific Sonific is a social network that offers a great way to promote your music, if you are an artist. It lets users put free music widgets with your music on their sites and promote it to their own audiences, for free. In exchange, Sonific users get free music to use and listen to (download is not permitted) and make their site look cooler – while you get free advertising for your music.

General: Social Networks and Bookmarking Networks

So what’s the point of providing you with all those links? Simple: you NEED to have accounts with many of them in order to boost your online profile. Some of these networks will require that you actively take part in them, while others don’t appear to care. Be that as it may, you still want to have your profiles established there, complete with links to your home site, offers and whatever else you decide. Now, while you “can” create profiles on all these networks by yourself, that would be a very boring and a time-consuming thing to do. A better option is to outsource this to someone, e.g. on Fiverr or any other freelance site. Anyway – here’s a list of some of the biggest and most important social networks (apart from the “majors” discussed above) and social bookmarking sites:

Social Net’s & Bookmarking In Brief
Google Bookmarks Major social network and bookmarking site
Yahoo! My Web Major social network and bookmarking site. One button click adds your bookmarks to the search engine giants system, features duplicate detection to help you keep your bookmarks tidy
Tumblr Important social network and bookmarking site
AOL Lifestream Major social network and bookmarking site
Mashable A great social bookmarking site & more
Tagged Important social network and bookmarking site
Digg Major social network and bookmarking site
HubPages Major social network and bookmarking site A great way to discover interesting content
Squidoo Major social network and bookmarking site. Lets you “channel surf” the Internet and review sites; it learns what you like and recommends more of the same
Hi5 Major social network and bookmarking site
Delicious Major social network and bookmarking site
Slashdot Important social network and bookmarking site
Ebaum’s World Important social network and bookmarking site
FriendFeed Major social network and bookmarking site
Plurk Major social network and bookmarking site
Technorati Technorati Add tags to your blog posts so sites like Technorati detect and list your tags. 🙂
Diigo Major social network and bookmarking site. Highlight portions of a page, write on it like you would a piece of paper, share with your group, and search all publicly saved pages
Folkd Major social network and bookmarking site
Fark Important social network and bookmarking site
Metafilter Important social network and bookmarking site
AllVoices Important social network and bookmarking site
NewsVine Important social network and bookmarking site
BizSugar Important social network and bookmarking site
BlinkList Important social network and bookmarking site
Sonico Important social network and bookmarking site
YouMob Important social network and bookmarking site
DesignFloat Important social network and bookmarking site
URL Important social network and bookmarking site
News Me Back Important social network and bookmarking site
Bookmark4You Important social network and bookmarking site
Indofeed Important social network and bookmarking site
Dropjack Important social network and bookmarking site
LinkaGoGo Major social network and bookmarking site
GiveALink Important social network and bookmarking site. Donate your bookmarks to this site to help them recommend sites and get a better understanding of how each person bookmarks.
BuddyMarks Important social network and bookmarking site. Store your bookmarks online, share some or all of them, discover new sites to visit by searching the public bookmark area.
Yemle Important social network and bookmarking site
Social-Bookmarking Important social network and bookmarking site
Linksprocket Important social network and bookmarking site
Kaboodle Major social network and bookmarking site
FWisp Important social network and bookmarking site
Jumptags Major social network and bookmarking site
Postolia Important social network and bookmarking site
SiteJot Important social network and bookmarking site
Acymca Important social network and bookmarking site
1 Look 4 Important social network and bookmarking site
A1 Webmarks Important social network and bookmarking site
Important social network and bookmarking site
StartAid Important social network and bookmarking site
Diggita Important social network and bookmarking site
DesignBump Important social network and bookmarking site Important social network and bookmarking site. Bookmark and tag, search for tags that interest you, make buddies with people who have interesting saved sites.
MyHQ Important social network and bookmarking site
NetVouz Important social network and bookmarking site. Save your bookmarks in folders, tag them with keywords, share them with others or password protect them.
Salisbury Woodworks Important social network and bookmarking site
CloudyTags Important social network and bookmarking site
Bruher Important social network and bookmarking site
Bookmax Important social network and bookmarking site
BlogMarks Important social network and bookmarking site. Save your bookmarks, tag them with keywords for easy searching amongst your list, share with others.
Uppernodd Project Important social network and bookmarking site
Pusha Important social network and bookmarking site
Youdoze Important social network and bookmarking site
Spider Robot Important social network and bookmarking site
OYAX Important social network and bookmarking site
Murl Important social network and bookmarking site
Alplist Important social network and bookmarking site
NautiDarcos Important social network and bookmarking site
SpicyPage Important social network and bookmarking site
Siland Memoirs Important social network and bookmarking site
iKeep Bookmarks Important social network and bookmarking site. Folders, search folder names and more.
BlogosphereNews Important social network and bookmarking site
DotNetKicks Important social network and bookmarking site
SheToldMe Important social network and bookmarking site
Edictos Online Important social network and bookmarking site
Efprof Important social network and bookmarking site
Look At That Important social network and bookmarking site
Golden Midas Important social network and bookmarking site
Colivia Important social network and bookmarking site
DesignMoo Important social network and bookmarking site
Klicknews Important social network and bookmarking site
Connotea Important social network and bookmarking site. A themed social bookmarking site specifically for researchers, clinicians and scientists.
Dizzed Important social network and bookmarking site
TattooEgo Important social network and bookmarking site Important social network and bookmarking site. Tabbed user page showing a network of friends, bookmarks, and related tags. Allows you to import contacts from all the major mail services such as GMail and Yahoo.
Easy Info Important social network and bookmarking site
WireFan Important social network and bookmarking site
Keeeper Important social network and bookmarking site
Redrezo Important social network and bookmarking site
Lilisto Important social network and bookmarking site. Ratings, notes, categories, smart categories and in-page editing.
Club Elorigen Important social network and bookmarking site
Xuefu Sports Important social network and bookmarking site
BmAccess Important social network and bookmarking site. Bookmark a site, add tags, when you look up a tag, you get the names and a little thumbnail image of the site along with it.
Eshop Tong Important social network and bookmarking site
Talk Radio Forums Important social network and bookmarking site
Farkinda Important social network and bookmarking site
Scalene Design Important social network and bookmarking site
ParkBos Important social network and bookmarking site
Simple Better Important social network and bookmarking site
MyBookmarks Important social network and bookmarking site
EasyBM Important social network and bookmarking site
Call Justice Important social network and bookmarking site
Backflip Important social network and bookmarking site. Check out the most popular links each day, set “The Daily Routine” as your homepage so you can visit your must stop sites each day with ease.
j4ak Important social network and bookmarking site
Ruils Important social network and bookmarking site
Bookmark Favoriten Important social network and bookmarking site
Favoor Important social network and bookmarking site
Linkroll Important social network and bookmarking site. Links open in new window, subscribe to tags, browse by archives.
Wikio Important social network and bookmarking site
Blummy Important social network and bookmarking site
Mesh Link Sharing Important social network and bookmarking site
Ambedo Important social network and bookmarking site
Bildu Important social network and bookmarking site
AllMyFavorites Important social network and bookmarking site. Create an organized page for your bookmarks that you can share with friends and family, access from any computer.
Diggma Important social network and bookmarking site
AllConsuming Important social network and bookmarking site
Clickets Important social network and bookmarking site Important social network and bookmarking site. Discuss all the saved bookmarks in groups, see what the Featured Linker is all about, join discussions in the Hot Group. Important social network and bookmarking site. Browse random “chipmarks”, share them, sort, filter, and get personal recommendations.
Unalog Important social network and bookmarking site. A basic social bookmarking site, but with the ability to look back at specific days and see what was going on.
ScoopItNZ Important social network and bookmarking site
Xilinus Important social network and bookmarking site. Tags, rating, search, public & private listing, drag-and-drop sorting.
Feedmelinks Important social network and bookmarking site. All the usual social bookmarking goodies, but you can also add links via email. Important social network and bookmarking site. Export to several formats, see popular & recent bookmarks, ability to shorten URLs.
Bibsonomy Major social network and bookmarking site. Public & private bookmarks, tag cloud, related tags, duplicate detection with the chance to merge their info Important social network and bookmarking site. Share your already existing bookmarks, discuss and rate sites and see what you can find.
Hyperlinkomatic Important social network and bookmarking site. Import/export, categories, notes, sharing, block users, RSS, tags.
Nextaris Important social network and bookmarking site. Folders, tags, clippings; store up to 100MB for free.
Excites Important social network and bookmarking site. Organize your bookmarks by tags, add comments and notes, share publicly, subscribe to certain tags so you can be notified when a new site is added that may interest you.
SocialBookmarking Important social network and bookmarking site. User and global tag cloud, blogs, social networking, avatars and more.
BlinkPro Important social network and bookmarking site. Dynamic folders, bookmark all links of a page plus all the usual features.
Connectbeam Important social network and bookmarking site. 10MB of file storage, public & private sharing, tag cloud, popular feeds and more.
Connectedy Important social network and bookmarking site. Import your bookmarks, batch edit them, check in on hot topics.
GetBoo Important social network and bookmarking site. Export your folders to HTML, import and remove duplicates, delete all bookmarks.

At this point, you may want to go a little deeper into this whole bookmarking thing, so for Full Crusher Course members, I provide the “Bookmarking Expertise“ tutorial, which consists of  12 step-by-step instruction videos and a PDF eBook.

General: Social Promotion Tools

Getting WordPress plugins or freelancers to actively promote things for you is one thing, but another (complementary) way is to use dedicated tools that integrate with your site and (for a small fee) do most of your promotions for you. Here’s only a small handful of the most important ones (the ones I use myself for my various projects):

Social Promotions In Brief
SocialMonkee Automated social bookmarking services
OnlyWire Automated social bookmarking services
TrafficGeyser Automated video and social submissions

At this point, the Full Crusher Course members may want to check out the “Social Basics“ course which  includes two PDF eBooks plus web page in your member’s area. Also I attach an extended BONUS list of “Social Networks“, available in everyone’s Member’s Area.

General: Hosted Ads

One of the easiest and most popular income-generation methods online is via hosted ads. The most popular solution here is AdSense (the little ads you see while searching as well as the almost inescapable ads so many sites have). But AdSense isn’t the only game in town, so this short collection of links is to show you at least a few alternatives.

Hosted Ads In Brief
Google AdSense The most popular hosted ad service
Amazon Associates Alternative to AdSense
InfoLinks Alternative to AdSense
Clicksor Alternative to AdSense
BuySellAds Alternative to AdSense
Chitika Alternative to AdSense
Peerfly Alternative to AdSense
Adversal Alternative to AdSense
YesAdvertising Alternative to AdSense
Kontera Alternative to AdSense
TextLinkAds Alternative to AdSense

At this point, our Full Crusher Course members may want to go even deeper, so I provided the “AdSense Mastery“ – a 6- video step-by-step course, complete with pre-selected niche and product ideas. I also attach the “Copywriting Basics“ resource which has lots of examples and explanations contained within files in ZIP format, available within your Member’s Area.

General: Product Marketplaces

When considering multiple income streams, it’s inevitable that you’ll be looking for products to promote. Below is a pretty big list of your available options!

Product Marketplaces In Brief
Amazon The world’s largest product marketplace
eBay Great online marketplace
Craigslist Great online marketplace and place classified ads Great online marketplace
Etsy Great online marketplace
WalMart Great online marketplace
BestBuy Great online marketplace
Clickbank Marketplace, and also a fully-fledged payment processor
Commission Junction Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
NewEgg Great online marketplace
Share-a-Sales Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
LinkShare Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
Sears Great online marketplace
Overstock Great online marketplace
Zazzle Great online marketplace to create, buy and sell products
Flippa Great online marketplace to buy and sell websites
Envato Great online marketplace
Rakuten Great online marketplace
Café Press Great online marketplace to create, buy and sell products
iOffer Great online marketplace
Bonanza Great online marketplace
MarketHealth Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
Plimus Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
eCrater Great online marketplace
Gumroad Great online marketplace
MadBid Great online marketplace
Ubid Great online marketplace
WebStore Great online marketplace
RapBank Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
AsSeenOnPC Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
BluJay Great online marketplace
Affiliate Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
Online Auction Great online marketplace
AtomicMall Great online marketplace
EpicDirect Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
NeverBlue Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
UniqueLeads Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products
WeBidz Great online marketplace
eBid Great online marketplace
Folio Great online marketplace
WP Wizard Great online marketplace to buy and sell e-products

Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest money-earners online, so it’s fitting that we expand things a little bit at this stage. So, Full Crusher Course members can delve deeper with the “Affiliate Marketing Course”– a 7-video step-by-step course which also includes 17 PDF eBooks! Additionally, for those of you who are considering creating your own product (i.e. not just your music but also something to sell on the side), here’s the “Product Creation Workshop“ – a 7-video step-by-step course and a PDF eBook. Next, I thought it would be a good idea to show you how internet marketing products are launched on a popular forum known as “Warrior Forum” – not because you’ll ever be creating internet marketing products, but because the methods and launch considerations are very similar regardless of your niche or indeed your promotional platform. So for those of you interested in something like this, here’s the “WSO Product launch“ course which contains 11 step-by-step instruction videos. Finally, for everyone, here’s a BONUS page of even more Affiliate Links Resources which you can find in your Member’s Area.

General: Press Releases

One of the most important tools in your online arsenal will be promoting your music and events through press releases. Many of the resources below are free, but in all fairness the ones which work best cost a little bit. Still, you should consider them all. The list below only focuses on the biggest players:

Press Releases In Brief
PR Web PRWeb Press Release Distribution for small business
NME NME new musical express ..nuf said 🙂
PressBox pressbox free press release distribution.
HypeBot Instant music “news” at your fingertips
Press Association PA Entertainment is at the heart of the media industry
Mi2n Music industry news network (Mi2N) is an online music newswire with over 350 news releases and announcements per week from independents and majors
SoSoActive What’s hot in the digital age is what SoSo is all about
MusisDish MusicDish an e-journal that tackles the emerging issues facing the online music industry
Diskant Diskant an independent music community based in Glasgow, Scotland
KlubKat klubkat is a youth culture magazine dedicated to unsigned bands and music, world travel, entertainment and the arts

General: Q&A Sites

A hugely powerful way to promote yourself if by answering people’s questions on the so-called “answer sites” or “Q&A sites”. You probably already know the likes of Yahoo Answers – so here’s a bunch more.

How do you benefit from those sites? Well, after you register you create your profile and it has a link to your main site… And each time you answer someone’s question, your link appears under your answer benefiting your with extra exposure as well as SEO points! But be aware that not all Q&A networks allow you to so blatantly promote yourself – at least not initially. You must be seen as “impartial” and gather lots of points before they let you do that. Still, it’s very beneficial, so many people do this simply because it’s a heck of a good way to generate free traffic. Incidentally, the same exact method works equally well when you post your answers on forums and/or blogs. It’s just that the major Q&A sites usually have truly massive audiences. And massive audiences CAN mean massive exposure!

Q&A Sites In Brief
Yahoo Answers
Reddit major social network and bookmarking site, incl great Q&A
WikiHow A popular Q&A site
eHow A popular Q&A site
Friendfeed A popular Q&A site
AnswerBag A popular Q&A site
BlurtIt A popular Q&A site
AskMeHelpDesk A popular Q&A site
AllExperts A popular Q&A site
Mahalo Answers A popular Q&A site
FunAdvice A popular Q&A site
Brightstorm Answers A popular Q&A site
AskDeb A popular Q&A site
AnybodyOutThere A popular Q&A site
Cramster A popular Q&A site
Askville A popular Q&A site
Minti A popular Q&A site
Answerly A popular Q&A site
Able2Know A popular Q&A site
AnswerBank A popular Q&A site
AskALibrarian A popular Q&A site
WikiAnswers A popular Q&A site

Music: Music Blogging

Building your authority will depend not only on the quality of your music, but also on the quality of your content. The better your content is, the easier it will be for you to place it on other people’s sites (with due credit to you). You can even post partial articles to other people’s blogs, leaving them with a cliff-hanger and a “click here to read the rest of the article” (which, naturally, takes them to YOUR site). The sites listed below allow you to blog outside the bounds of your own site – and more. Again, as with most of the links provided in this course, you’ll be well advised to have at least a token presence on some of those:

Music Blogging In Brief
WordPress WordPress
Blogger blogger create a blog. 🙂
Live Journal LiveJournal
Squidoo Squidoo for people who want to build a page about their passions.
Search Engine Journal search engine journal blog search engine news.
Hypem The Hype Machine – discover, listen to and buy music discussed on the best mp3 blogs.
BlogLines bloglines 🙂
BrainBliss Feed Shark Ping your blog, feed, or podcast for free. 🙂
BlogBurst BlogBurst puts the web’s best blogs in the hands of top-tier publishers to bring you new traffic, new readers, and new revenue. Requirements for acceptance into the BlogBurst network: a weekly posting, family-friendly language and content, distinct, intelligent writing style and an XML syndication feed in a standard format such as RSS, RDF, or Atom – go to their website for more inf.
Vox Vox
yPulse ypulse
BandWeblogs Band Weblogs features music commentary, band and music blogs, music articles, interviews, opinion, tour dates, guest music bloggers and more with free promotion and advertisement for bands. I like this site 🙂
Coolfer Coolfer a very clearheaded and forward thinking music industry weblog – so they say 😉

Music: Music Contests and Competitions

Many musicians like to increase their exposure by signing up for talent contests. For a very small few, this can be a great way to boost their career. For some, it’s also a way to win extra funds and exposure. With that in mind, here’s a short list of some of the most popular and important contests you might consider:

Music Contests In Brief
Britain’s Got Talent
Eurovision Song Contest “Naff,” you say? Of course. But… with over a 200,000,000 –strong annual audience, nothing to spit at either, perhaps…
Junior Eurovision Contest
NSAI Songwriting Contest
Triple Clicks
X Factor UK
Guitar Center Songwriting Contest
Guitar Center Contest
X Factor USA
SonicBids Contest
Music X-Ray Contest
Music Xray Contest
Indababa Music Contest
American Idol
American Songwriter
International Songwriting Competition
Songdoor Songwriting Contest
Unsigned Only
America’s Got Talent
America’s Got Talent
USA Songwriting Competition
Songwriter Universe
John Lennon Songwriting Contest
The Chris Austin Songwriting Contest
Song of the Year
Rock and Roll Report
InGame Song Contest
Great American Songwriting Contest
Songwriting Contest
Wildflower Festival
Indie International
Calgary Folk Festival
Mountain Stage Contest
American Songwritnig Awards
Billboard Song Contest
Mid Atlantic Song Contest
HMM Awards
KCCM Song of the Year
Singer Universe
Audio Independents
Cooch Amateur Songwriting Contest
Indababa Contest
Songwriter Pro
UK Songwriting Contest
VH-1 Song of the Year

Music: Distribution and Promotions

Some sites are very important to sign up with in order to get your music promoted further. Below is a list of a handful which do a particularly good job in that department:

Music Distribution & Promo In Brief
YouTube You simply CAN’T succeed as a music artist without having your videos on YouTube.
iTunes Apple’s payment model was once a closely kept secret, but certain circumstances have brought those valuable figures into the public light from time to time. Most recently, rapper Eminem’s lawsuit against Apple and its settlement in 2010 revealed the exact numbers: for every song sold, labels make about 70% of the sale, while artists make about 12%. The latter amount, if you do the math, comes to about $0.084 for every song download, and $0.84 for a complete album
SoundCloud SoundCloud – create, record and share the sounds with friends, family and the world.
MySpace is a subsidiary of News Corporation. MySpace Music recently started testing audio advertisements and they have some of the strongest marketing powers out of all the music social networks. Features include My Music, Charts, Featured Playlists, Music Videos, New Releases, Karaoke, Shows, and Forums.. Artists and or bands can link up with people in the industry or with people who love their music. This particular format allows the artist/band to post photos, upload their songs and keep all who are interested informed about upcoming shows.
ReverbNation is a music marketing platform that is used by across 500,000 artists, managers, labels, etc. ReverbNation provides free/affordable venues to grow musical influence on the Internet. A place where artists can communicate with other artists, talk with people in the industry and further their career using the tools provided
CD Baby CDbaby is one of the most popular Websites for selling your music.
SoundClick SoundClick
Rhapsody music distribution
Bebo Bebo
TuneCore TuneCore sell your music, not your soul (good strap line)! Get your music into all the leading digital stores: iTunes, Spotify, eMusic, AmazonMP3, Google Play… fast and easy, and keep all your rights.
PayLoads PayLoadz A secure Digital Goods eCommerce service for anyone to sell downloadable goods online – Sell Downloads – Click Here.
VIRB VIRB [good]
SonicBids Sonicbids
The Orchard
OurStage Share and promote music while networking with fans, other bands and people in the industry
Ditto Music
BandMix BandMix
Last Minute Musicians LastMinuteMusicians
Number One Music NumberOneMusic
InGooves INgrooves Digital distribution of music. Global distribution service, access to over 400+ online and mobile partnerships all over the world.
Jukebox Alive JukeboxAlive
Indie Music Indie Music
Catapult Distribution
Unsigned Unsigned
Song Trust
Artistopia Artistopia
Mondo Tunes
Pitch My Stuff
Unsigned Band Web Unsigned Band Web
One RPM ONErpm A global digital music distribution service and a direct-to-fan social commerce solution for musicians and record labels. Sell Your Music on Facebook. Distribute to iTunes.
SpotMeUp Spotmeup Simple Spotify distribution. Free way of adding your own music on Spotify.
Indie Charts Indie Charts
IODA Alliance IODA Independent online distribution alliance. Comprehensive services for record labels, physical distributors, artists, and filmmakers.
EmuBands Emubands a digital distribution service which allows unsigned bands and artists to sell their music through major online stores such as iTunes, Napster, HMV Digital, Virgin Digital, Tunetribe…
Mobile Streams
Indigo Boom
JTV Digital
iSound ISound
Amadea Music no fees per album, you get 90% royalties
Beta Records Beta Records
Red Nine Music
A Wave
HiFive Music
Sweet n Low
BandWagon Bandwagon
T United Tunited
ImpNow IMPNow
Overplay Overplay is a music Website dedicated to the promotion and exposure of unsigned bands. It’s a full blown Website that offers a good chance to sell your music online, and yes there is a growing music community.
Track Seller Trackseller manages paid music downloads for musicians of any kind and all around the world. Buying music from trackseller means buying directly from the artist. Trackseller lets you add a buy download now-button to your website in minutes. Upload files, add pricing – ready for sale …that’s what They say, anyway 😉
CD Fuse CDFuse
CI Info
Indie Airplay
Music Lives Beyond Music Lives Beyond
Play Louder MSP

Music: Music Forums and Blogs

Taking part in music forums and blogs can be a massively advantageous way for you to spread the word about your music. Typically, you should NOT self-promote there, but your signature (with links to your site and offers) will be more than enough as long as your contributions are valuable. Here’s a short list of good ideas for you:

Music Forums & Blogs In Brief
BBC Music BBC Music Going Out goto [IN YOUR AREA]: the latest music news, reviews and features in your area. Plus: BBC 6 Music – Gigs. [UK]
Harmony Central Harmony Central 🙂
Drowned in Sound Drowned in Sound
Music Thinktank
Music Banter
Kerrang Kerrang! Forums
Record of the Day Record of the Day :: Messageboard nice one 🙂
Music Discussion
Resonance FM
Indie Music Reviewer
I Love Music
Xclusize Zone
Ohh Crapp
Blooter Blooter forum and blog
That Realish
We Do It Right Mag

Music: Music Links and Resources

A short list of additional links, resources and ideas for you:

Music Links & Resources In Brief
Google Music Google Directory – Arts > Music
Yahoo Music Yahoo! Music Directory
MusicMOZ musicmoz The Open Music Project
Taxi Linking TAXI Linking
Open Web Directory Open Web Directory
More Music More Music Directory of websites for World-wide Bands.
InkBlot Magazine Ink Blot Magazine
DURP DURP Webzine – good links.

Music: Radio

If you’re a musician and don’t have any radio exposure (online or offline), you’re REALLY missing out! You should make sure your tracks get submitted to these and other online stations for consideration:

Radio In Brief
LastFM is a music community that was founded in 2002 and was bought by CBS for $280 million in May 2007. Users can create custom radio stations and playlists. Users can build a profile based on their music tastes. Users can also write public and private messages to the community. There is a major focus on Groups and Events too., which you’ve no doubt used already, is a service that keeps track of what music you listen to, and then helps you discover new music based on your preferences. You can use to listen to music, find out about artists you may like, get in touch with other people with similar music taste, discover gigs in your local area, as well as create charts that you can publish on your personal site. also allows artists and labels to upload their own music and videos and promote them for free. is primarily known as a music streaming service, however it also has a large social element too. Users can set up profiles, and connect to existing friends, or find new people who like the same music as them. The website also has a set of forums, and, like Facebook, users can create their own “Groups”. The social side of is a great way to find new music, connect to new people, and find out more about artist news and events in your area.
Radio Paradise Radio Paradise eclectic online rock radio.
Soma FM
Music Alley Podsafe Music Network
Indie 100
AIIradio Artists International Independent Radio live DJ’s presenting your music. Real-time chat with the DJs and listeners during broadcast. All musical genres are represented. International artists and listeners.
Radio 1190
R Radio Music RRadio Music for Independent Artists.
Girls Rock Radio Girls Rock Radio – Internet radio featuring all-girl and girl-fronted bands.
EORadio eoRadio – a free Internet radio station run like a terrestrial radio station, no genre channels, just listen to free music online from the best Unsigned Artists from around the globe.
IndieXposure Radio IndieXposureRadio
Kooba Radio Kooba Radio an Internet radio station broadcasting the best in unsigned and small label bands.
Pitt Radio PittRadio – indie music community and resource. Create music playlists with songs from emerging independent/underground musicians, bands, producers, and DJs. Artists can submit and upload music to playlist charts.
Stasmi Stasmi Radio new Internet radio station.

Music: Venues and Promotions

A fantastic way to build a fanbase – still among the most powerful of them all – is through live gigs. Here are some sites which may help you in that regard:

Venues & Promotions In Brief
Ents24 Ents24 Tickets UK entertainment guide, covering live music, comedy, theatre, shows and days out.
Indie Music Festivals
Lemon Rock Lemonrock a dynamic live music gig guide updated directly by 1000s of bands, artists and venues.
Aloud Online tickets.
London Gigs London Gigs they’ve got a big list of London venues.
Tour Dates Tourdates A gig listing website for signed and unsigned bands.
SplitGigs SplitGigs a social network that helps emerging bands or musicians find gigs to play, through a simple but highly effective idea: the “SplitGig” i.e. I let your band play at my gig, then you return the favor by letting my band play at your gig.
Indie Venue Bible
Gig Guide Gig Guide Ltd UK Gigs, band listings and music information… it’s got the lot!
Gig Events Guide Gig Events Guide UK The free online Gig Events Guide is provided to enable the independent music industry to advertise their UK gigs or events.
GigsWiz GigsWiz A ticketing company for venues and promoters that pays artists to promote ticket sales online, providing instant and seamless updating and synchronization across all social media platforms. (UBP: a bit of an annoying website, sorry guys!)
Alive Alive® entertainment guides are a series of monthly local and regional multi-media magazines, published continuously since 1993 and providing unrivalled free coverage of a wide range of entertainment and leisure persuits for Young and Young Middle Aged (Y/YMA) readers.
GigMaven GigMaven Streamlines the booking process for musicians and venues. [USA]
Rave Magazine Rave Magazine Publish your press releases, gig listings, classified ads and more…. all for FREE!
Ticket-o-Meter Ticketometer Lets concert organizers create shows that only take place if a minimum number of tickets are sold. Propose a concert first and book it after selling tickets – the audience has your back. [USA]
National Gig Guide National Gig Guide for live music gigs and events across the UK.

General: Outsourcing

As you have already gathered, doing all the work that’s needed to all-but-guarantee your online success can be very time-consuming. That’s why it’s a blessing that so many outsourcers are available to do all this work for you – and in most cases for peanuts! Apart from my own outsourcing management company (MEW Services), you can go direct to any of these:

Outsourcing In Brief
Google Helpouts Another good outsourcing site
Fiverr Micro-jobs site, where you can outsource work from as little as $5, but a few words of caution: finding the “right” outsourcer may take time; many of the better services cost much more than $5.
Warrior Forum The most popular forum for marketing experts and webmasters, includes a “warriors for hire” section where some of the best freelancers reside. As with all outsourcing, however, due diligence is always advised.
oDesk Another good outsourcing site
Freelancer Another good outsourcing site
eLance Another hugely popular outsourcing site.
GraphicRiver Fantastic templates and graphics
99designs Affordable website and graphics designs of the highest quality
PeoplePerHour Another good outsourcing site
Icon Finder If you need icons for your products – they’re all here
Guru One of the more popular outsourcing sites.
Optimize Press Create your sales letter, even more flexible than LeadPages
Amazon Mechanical Turk Another good outsourcing site
MicroLancer Specialized in logos, WordPress, e-covers, book layouts and more
CrowdSpring Another good outsourcing site
TaskRabbit Another good outsourcing site
Kristi Hines Another top copywriter with a roster of high profile clients and a CV which reads like Whos-Who on the Internet.
GetACoder Another good outsourcing site
SmartShoot A video outsourcing site where producers can bid for your project
LeadPages A superb online system for building your landing pages
Ash Ambirge Top autoresponder copywriter
iFreelance Another good outsourcing site
Dribbble Superb graphic designers bidding for your project
TaskArmy Another good outsourcing site
HireTheWorld Another good outsourcing site
DoYouImpress fabulous graphic designer
Cori Padgett Worked with some of the biggest brands on the web and offers a wide variety of services from sales copy to blog article writing.
KillerCovers Amazing designs for your eBooks, DVDs, CDs, etc.
KillerSalesDesign fabulous graphic designer
SolutionInn Another good outsourcing site
DimpleArt Very affordable, high-quality caricatures you can create for your website, squeeze page, and overall branding.
Adam Maywald fabulous graphic designer
MEW Services Managed outsourcing solutions, extremely cost-effective, where you can select from pre-configured package deals to custom orders.
DesignGuruRyan fabulous graphic designer
Vin Montello Top copywriter
SixDegreesContent Run by Courtney Ramirez, offers a whole team of writers specialized in various aspects of copywriting. Top-notch graphic designer.
Kevin Rogers One of the top Clickbank Copywriters
Brian Mcleod Quite simply one of the very best in the business, and another one whose roster of successful clients would impress just about anyone.
ReelContent A very professional company which always creates the highest quality videos for you Another great team of writers, and more affordable than most.
Jay White Top autoresponder copywriter
Matt O’ Connor Top copywriter
BlissMediaWorks Also great, and very affordable too

And as a BONUS, here are some more Outsourcing Resources for you!

General: Traffic Acquisition

Finally, here are some more resources for you, especially important if you’re considering buying traffic for your offers (be it your album release or a product you decide to cash in on).

For Full Crusher Course members, we have:

  • Paid Traffic Mastery – A few additional sub-courses, which will complement your knowledge about traffic acquisition
  • Traffic Sources – 6 step-by-step instruction videos

And also a set of BONUS pages with lots of extra links for all members:

Recap of All of Our Super-Course Elements:

Extra sub-courses for FULL CRUSHER COURSE members

BONUS sections for all members




Book 3 – Chapter 58Final Notes
Course Overview

Book 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, , 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, Overview

Bonuses: templ, lib, tips, kwds, models  Link Res: aff, class, cpa, cpv, cpc, write, mob, outs, rss, soc, traff, var, exch, srcs, vid  Sub-courses: sens adw, aff, ar, bkm, cpy, cp, fb, fun, goo, lst, loc, mem, opt paid, ppal, sbox, prod,  seo, opt, socn, vidm, host, wp, lnch
