
Let’s face it – most websites we visit are quite indifferent to us. We don’t “engage” or purposefully return to them for more content.

But in some cases, we DO. Think about what it is that makes you want to return to a given site over and over again. Usually, it’s quality fresh content, amusement, information, interactivity. Whatever it is, you KNOW when a site is attractive to you, right?


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Being attracted to a site is the beginning of a “relationship” in the sense that I mean it here. A true online “relationship” begins when you take action. For example, when you sign up for updates or a newsletter and so on. Free or paid, doesn’t matter. When you opt in to receive something, you TRUST that website with your email address as well as, usually, your name and/or even more information.

As you continue receiving updates from the site, you may at any time terminate your “relationship” with it, if you get bored or annoyed by their content – or if you think they’re too pushy trying to sell you something all the time.

If you look forward to their updates – that’s a beginning of a great relationship. If you value their judgment or recommendations, then that’s a relationship they can monetize!

What about when you buy something from a site – is that a “relationship”? It may or may not be. It might just be a one-night stand! If, apart from buying from them, you also sign up to receive updates, then yes. If you just buy and never return – then that’s not really a relationship, is it?

Why is “online relationship” important?

Simple. Apart from any other considerations, the quality of your online relationship with your visitors is the foundation of your website’s profitability.

Put differently: you will not be able to support yourself and your music project with a website which does not build relationships.

You can market to your “list” (i.e. your members who have given you permission to contact them) either directly or indirectly – and it won’t cost you a penny to do that.

mequoda-customer-relationship-pyramidThis is yet another reason why your CONTENT QUALITY is the cornerstone of your business. I know I keep repeating this. But it’s essential, that’s why. Because content quality translates into AUTHORITY. And authority is PROFIT!

Understanding what I just said, you’re now able to start looking at creating a “sales funnel.” This is something which is critical to your bottom line, you need to understand it very well.

If your funnel is constructed wrongly (too pushy, too loose, too confusing, too long, too scary!) it will reflect negatively on your entire site, no matter how otherwise good it is. When building your funnel, it is therefore hugely important to always keep the end-user in mind and to strive to provide the most user-friendly environment possible.

Always put yourself in your visitor’s shoes. Would YOU enjoy your sales funnel?

Let’s discuss this topic now.




Book 3 – Chapter 40Own Product
Course Overview Book 3 – Chapter 42Sales Funnel

Book 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, , 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, Overview

Bonuses: templ, lib, tips, kwds, models  Link Res: aff, class, cpa, cpv, cpc, write, mob, outs, rss, soc, traff, var, exch, srcs, vid  Sub-courses: sens adw, aff, ar, bkm, cpy, cp, fb, fun, goo, lst, loc, mem, opt paid, ppal, sbox, prod,  seo, opt, socn, vidm, host, wp, lnch
