
There is NOTHING more important on your site than content. Not just music – but also videos and WRITTEN content.

More often than not, the difference between a successful site and a failure is the quality of their content. If you’ve been working online without much success, the reason is almost certainly lack of GOOD QUALITY content.


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And yet, people tend to overcomplicate this – or over-simplify it. I don’t know which is worse.

  • The “complicators” stress and sweat the small stuff, never quite finishing, always fine-tuning, winding up never releasing their articles or videos.
  • The “simplifiers” write inferior quality “quickies” or rip off and “spin” already-existing articles and spam the web with them.

gibberishBoth are victims of wrong mindsets. The first group suffers from “paralysis of analysis”, the second from… gullibility. They were told that this is how it’s done! It isn’t!

THIS is why you MUST LOVE your niche. If you do, you already know more than 99% of people about it. You should use that passion when writing your content, or when vetting content written for you by outsourcers.

You don’t have to post 50 articles per day and spam the web with them (which is NOT to say that you shouldn’t promote your articles beyond the confines of your site – you should, but more on that later). Just write a few GOOD ones per week and promote them naturally, using the tools and techniques recommended in this book – and you WILL do very well.

Make your articles MEANINGFUL and USEFUL. And absolutely DO NOT write TRITE! Each bit of wasteful content like that COSTS YOU return visitors!

So, what to write? Write INTERESTING things about your music, product, service, niche – whatever tickles you. Just don’t be boring. Be informative, engaging, entertaining.

Do some interesting research and share it with your readers. Impress them with your passion and depth of knowledge. Each article can be 500 to 1000 words long, illustrated with nice photos or graphics, formatted in such a way so as to appeal to the eye. And also make sure that the language you use is appropriate for the audience you’re targeting. Writing “yo dudes” may work for a surfing site, but will fall flat if your audience is mainly made up of corporate types. Makes sense?

If you’re not a great writer, then you SIMPLY MUST invest in a good writer or two. You can (later) also invite others (e.g. your fans) to post on your site. Meanwhile, you can use the links in the Resources area at the end of this course to find excellent writers on just about any topic – for small money.

Remember you need to feed your site with content on a regular basis. In fact, when you prepare your site, it’s good to have a few weeks worth of content SCHEDULED within WordPress.

You can also use the following websites if you need help with your content: (great for content IDEAS and discovering influencers in the various niches), (content discovery), (content discovery & sharing) – as well as many of the other outsourcing links we’ve shared above, not the least of which is, of course, our Outsourcing Management Services.




Book 3 – Chapter 17Other Tools
Course Overview Book 3 – Chapter 19Copywriting

Book 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, , 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, Overview

Bonuses: templ, lib, tips, kwds, models  Link Res: aff, class, cpa, cpv, cpc, write, mob, outs, rss, soc, traff, var, exch, srcs, vid  Sub-courses: sens adw, aff, ar, bkm, cpy, cp, fb, fun, goo, lst, loc, mem, opt paid, ppal, sbox, prod,  seo, opt, socn, vidm, host, wp, lnch
