While there are endless possibilities for free press releases on the web, only few of them give you any real value. Not that you should ignore them entirely, but just don’t count on conquering the world through them. A better option is paid services of that ilk. They tend to have a MUCH better track record and will actually give you results your can quantify.
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Among the best press release places (especially US/UK oriented, but not only) are:
Naturally, your press release needs to be well written and it must have a concrete purpose – to announce something of importance and general interest.
So it needs to include a link where people can find out more and, once there, where they can be encouraged to ACT (buy, register, join, etc). I’ll discuss press releases in more depth in part 3.
As far as paid promotions go (otherwise known as “paid traffic”), I’ll spend a lot more time on this in the next section as well, but for now, here are some of your most important places too look up in that regard:
- SoundCloud
- MySpace
- GrooveShark
- ReverbNation
- Channel4Music
- SoundClick
- Rhapsody
- eMusic
- PureVolume
- More in the Resources section.
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Book 2 – Chapter 15 Contests and Submissions |
Course Overview | Book 2 – Chapter 17 Your Site and Fan-building |
Book 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14b, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Overview