As I mentioned elsewhere in this course, you will need to wear the hat of the “A&R Man” as well – or have someone who will – at least to some extent. Without your own record label this function may at first be considered superfluous, but it’s not. An aspect of an A&R guy’s work is very important to you.
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I’m talking about the knowledge of your market and helping the producer – and the artists – to tailor their performances in a manner most appropriate for that market. In a way, there’s an overlap here between what the producer does and what the A&R man does, but while the producer is hands-on and in the heat of the creative process, the A&R man is on the outside looking in. And his word is final before the product hits the market.
The A&R man should know better than anyone else how good a fit the artist is with the targeted market. And if the fit is imperfect, then how to either (a) get the artist and the production to move closer to the target, or (b) how to find an alternative target niche.
We’re talking business after all.
If you really want your music to do well in terms of sales and fan-generation, be ready to become the voice of your target market niche!
Book 2 – Chapter 6 Production Tricks |
Course Overview | Book 2 – Chapter 8 Audience Research |
Book 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14b, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Overview