Let’s deal with the most common objections now. I KNOW how FEW artists are motivated enough to take on what I’ll suggest in this course. I therefore want to somehow ensure that you’re going into all this with your eyes wide open. And I also want to assure you that you CAN make it, if for no other reason that others are just too lazy or confused!
However – just before you dive head-first into this whole process, let’s quickly get rid of a few negative myths that might linger in the back of your head. If we don’t – they will plague you subconsciously and they might even be the reason why you’ll eventually throw in the towel before you properly begin.
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People always look for excuses for failure. “I won’t make it, I’m too old.” Or “I’m not pretty enough“. Or “my music is not produced well enough“. Or “my music is not pop enough, it’s very niche“. Or “I don’t have a manager“. Or… I don’t think I need to go on.
The biggest objections you need to overcome are your own hidden ones.
Let me just deal with these few objections here and you can construct your own replies to any specific objections you might have. And if you can’t – drop me a line (in the comments below) and I’ll be happy to give you an answer! I always reply to emails I receive.
- Busting The “I’m Too Old” Myth: If you’re looking for a major record deal then, yes, if you’re over 18 years old, you might well be too old for those business execs who don’t know anything about music anyway. You may well be too old for the MAINSTREAM teeny-pop market. If you are an independent, however, you can be sure that there are people out there who don’t give a shit about how old you are – as long as they like your music. I will show you how to find those people in this course. No, you are not too old for them.
- Busting The “I’m Not Attractive Enough” Myth: Exactly the same argument as above. Most people really don’t care all that much how you look, as long as they enjoy your music. The only thing to keep in mind is that it’s not really the skin that attracts people to artists – it’s the character. If you can find a way to let your character shine through – then you don’t have any worries about not being attractive. Character is attractive!
- Busting The “My Music Is Not Good Enough” Myth: I can only bust this one partially. Sure, it is possible that your music is actually dreadful. I will devote a couple of upcoming chapters to helping you with that. Beyond that, let’s assume that your music is good – as good as the next guy’s at least – so then the difference between you and him/her is that you’re working with a business plan, and he/she isn’t. And your music will come out on top as a result! As for any technical improvements – I will show you how to achieve those relatively easily. Meanwhile, unless you’re really deluding yourself, chances are your music can easily become good enough. Look at the shite that’s playing on radio. Surely you can do better than that?
- Busting The “I’m Not Mainstream Enough” Myth: That’s a good thing. We have too much “mainstream”. Knowing the odds, you can never make it in the mainstream – not when you’re just starting out, certainly. But if you can have a niche all of your own (which I will show you how to establish), you’re on a winner going in! This seeming “disadvantage” is actually a huge advantage!
- Busting The “I Have No Manager” Myth: This is the whole point of this book. YOU will be your own manager, and a good one too! Just follow along, internalize everything, and you’ll do just fine.
- Busting the “I Have No Money” Myth: Are you alive? If you are, then you have at least SOME money. Enough to get by. Chances are you’re spending a portion of the little that you have on inconsequential things. If you really care about your musical career – you’ll find ways to pay your way. It’s not all that much, the way I recommend in this course. More often than not, the “I can’t afford a music career” is an empty excuse and a way to put the responsibility for your life on someone else – or “bad luck”. NEVER – EVER – fall for this kind of thinking. There is always a way to get things done. In the worst case, you can barter your skills with someone. But you CAN afford just about anything, in the final analysis.
- Busting the “It’s Not Ready Myth”: Perfectionism can be a good thing, but most of the time it’s a crutch and an excuse for not getting things done. It may cause the paralysis of analysis. It’s also a reflection of your fear of rejection. And a great way to procrastinate while looking busy. Do your best, draw the line, and then go for it. If it’s not “perfect”, so be it. Your next one will be better. But do NOT sit on it indefinitely. Get out there and do it! There’s never a better time than “NOW”.
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Book 1 – Chapter 15 Building Your Audience |
Course Overview | Book 1 – Chapter 17 The Big Picture |
Book 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Overview