B3-CH46 – Elements of Autoresponder Campaigns

B3-CH44 – A Few More Words About Squeeze Pages

We have already covered what squeeze pages are and their role in helping you generate incomes online. But let’s quickly review and look at some of their most important aspects. [emember_protected for=4-5] Think of a squeeze page as a kind of a...
B3-CH46 – Elements of Autoresponder Campaigns

B3-CH43 – Landers

Generally speaking, a “landing page” (or a “lander” for short) is ANY place where a visitor lands on your side. It can be your original squeeze page which you promoted, your special information...
B3-CH46 – Elements of Autoresponder Campaigns

B3-CH40 – Selling Products You Fully Own

As an artist, this one is pretty easy for you. You already HAVE a product you fully own: your music. The only thing is, is that selling independent music (without the backing of the major-label hype machine) can be very slow going. THAT is why you need to supplement...
B3-CH46 – Elements of Autoresponder Campaigns

B3-CH36 – What Is Your Product

Let’s loosely define your “product” as “whatever it is that will monetize your website”. Your music perhaps. Your book. Your affiliate programs. Your ad space. Your services....