S.I.S. KIDS – OFFER (Laura) Cover Demo Short Demo Demo Album On-going
Duration, up to 2 days 1 month 4 months 7 months until stopped
Target Repertoire 1 cover 1 cover 1 cover up to 1 cover/month
Target Repertoire 1 original 1 orig.cover 2 orig.covers up to 1 orig.cvr/mth
Target Repertoire 2 originals 10 originals up to 1 original/mth
Vocal Includes Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching
Vocal Includes Comping Comping Comping Comping Comping
Instrumentation includes Musican/s Musican/s Musican/s Musican/s
Mixing includes Basic Mix Basic Mix Basic Mix Basic Mix Basic Mix
Mixing includes Master Master Master Master Master
Production includes Vox/Mix Full Scope Full Scope Full Scope Full Scope
Session length (hrs) 4 4 4 4 4
Cover sessions with Artist present 1 1 1 Yes
Pre/post cover production sessions 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total cover sessions 1.5 1.5 1.5
Total hours Artist must be present during cover sessions 4 4 4
Total hours spent on production during cover sessions 2 2 2
Total cover session hours 6 6 6
Orig. Cover sessions with Artist present 3 6 Yes
Pro/post orig.cover production sessions 3 6
Total original cover sessions 6 12
Total hours Artist must be present during original cover sessions 12 24
Total hours spent on production during original cover sessions 12 24
Total original cover session hours 24 48
Original sessions with Artist present 3 9 30 Yes
Pro/post original writing and production sessions 3 9 30
Total original sessions 6 18 60
Total hours Artist must be present during original sessions 12 36 120
Total hours spent on production during original sessions 12 36 120
Total original session hours 24 72 240
Total hours Artist must be present 4 16 52 144 6 / week
Total production session hours 2 14 50 144
Total project hours 6 30 102 288
Total project sessions 1.5 7.5 25.5 72.0
Discounted cost, if paying by studio hour 40 40 40 40 40

Discounted cost, if paying by

30 30 30 30 30
Average cost per track (a rough guide only, based on the average number of
hours required)
€ 180.00 € 450.00 € 255.00 € 120.00 variable

Once a total number of hours, calculated on a per-project OR on a per-hour basis, is established, monthly, weekly or daily payments will be expected in advance of the recording sessions taking place, which can be pro-rated or pre-paid in full. If pre-paid in full, I’m happy to offer a further discount of 15% on the final amount.