
Good News If You Live on the Costa del Sol

You don’t have to travel to New York, London or LA to get that level of music production quality or artist development. Better still, you don’t have to pay those rates either. Not even close!

If you’re a young artist (under 16) with big dreams, lots of talent and will to work to make those dreams come true, your time if NOW. You need a showcase of the highest quality. We will help you create it.

We are now reactivating our studio after an extended break, and we have put together an unbeatable MUSIC DEMO PRODUCTION and ARTIST DEVELOPMENT offer to help you on your way. Have a look at what we offer, and contact us to book your session(s) this Summer 2014.

Only for artists invited personally by Laura Krier AND who pass the qualifying audition.

(view our special offer)

STANDARD (Artists must pass our audition first)

  • Unlimited repertoire choice (custom written song by professional songwriters, artist’s own song, custom cover, straight cover), in any contemporary music style
  • Studio musicians and programmers available for each project
  • Recording session includes vocal or instrument coaching with guaranteed best performance results the artist is capable of
  • Full vocal and instrumental production
  • Fully mastered, release quality, CD/WAV and Mp3 versions included as well as backing track and full mix included for each song


  • Stage development (includes vocals, instrument, dance, image coaching options)
  • Career guidance
  • Multi-song demo, all the way up to an album
  • Video development
  • Web development & promotion
  • Web business setup
  • Demo submissions & music industry leads/introductions
  • Independent release & publishing options

More Details


Apply for an audition: